Chapter 14

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Back to the Present

"Ugh...I really wish dad hadn't seen that. I can just imagine what he thinks about Namjoon now." I say to myself scuffling in my blanket as I dozed off once again.


The evening was still and I was relieved my fever was finally going down. Lazily opening my eyes; I could see that it was now 5:45pm and I had literally slept myself drunk.

It was can actually be tired of sleeping.

Whipping the comforter off my body; I sat up and reached for my phone. I was so caught up with everything that I just now realized it has been on silent mode since I started working at The Blue Ocean.

"Dad's probably worried if he's been calling." I muttered unlocking the screen. But to my astonishment, there were more than just a few missed calls.

There were two from Sana, three from Namjoon, seven from Eunju, three from Jimin, two from my brother, five from dad and three from a number I did not recognize. So in total, there was...

"Twenty-five missed calls?!" I exclaimed; staring at my call log history. "Ah crap...; dad's probably flipping out. Just great..." I say rising to my feet.

With cautious steps; I walk out into the living room and decided to return my father's call just to let him know that I was okay and not to worry. But upon him answering my call; there was a heavy knock at our front door which made me jump in fright.

"What the hell?!" I blurted out; frightened out of my wits.

"Hello? Y/N? Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah I am. Hang on dad; I think someone's at the door." I mention and the thudding gets even louder.

"Oh, that's probably on me. I asked Mrs. Kim to check on you because I wasn't getting an answer from your cell."

Letting out an exasperating sigh; I feebly walk over to the main entrance.

"My God...Dad, really? Don't you think you're kind of over reacting? It sounds like we have a swat team at our doorway." I replied opening our apartment door. But in doing so, my own breath got caught in my throat before I could even say Hello.

"...Ah, about that; Mrs. Kim went on a quick errand so she called Taehyung for me instead. ....instead.......instead....

My father's words were like an echo to my hearing. Sliding the phone from my ear my father continued to speak on the line but I couldn't hear a damn thing.

"...Ta-Ta Tae."

"Hey, are you okay? I heard you're not feeling well." he says and my knees weaken at the sight of him.

Seeing Taehyung there before me seemed almost too surreal. It was like my fever had spike back up and I could feel the ground underneath my feet shift as my phone slips from my hand.

Woozy and light headed; my body instantly moves forward and I'm immediately caught in Taehyungs arms.

"Y/N? Y/N?!" He shouts as I grab the fabric of his shirt; clinging to him. "'re okay. You're going to be okay. Jae!! JAE CALL MOM!!" He yells then focuses his attention on me. "Y/N? Look at me...look at me. I'm here...I'm right here..." His voice low, also soothing; and all I could see was a blurry blue haired Taehyung looking down on me as he gently stroked my cheek.

"...Taehyung..." I breathed; my grip slipping from his shirt.

This wouldn't be the last time I was comforted by you; the one who always found his way back to me.

(Bonus) Side story: Your Father's visit. POV

"Her phone must have cut off." I say resting my cell on the counter. "...I should head back to Seoul. I'll get there earlier if I leave now." I state grabbing my belongings.

Packing up the documents I received from my parents; my mother steps in holding an old photo in her hand.


"Yes mom?"

"I think it's time you told Y/N the truth." She voiced and my hand froze in mid-air; ready to grab my duffle bag. "She's old enough now to know. It's not fair to keep her in the dark anymore. Besides; maybe the real reason why she's ill is bec-

"Mom, please..., we're watching it. She hasn't shown those signs of symptoms yet."

"But how can you be so sure? It is hereditary." She points out as I stood up from my seat. "Listen, I know you told me that she was suffering from more anxiety and stress pains from what happened. But even if your friend informed you she will be fine...things can change. She's your only daughter. Her health is more important than anything."

As much as I hated to admit it; my mother could never be more right. Y/N needed to know. But just the thought of telling her made me heart-broken. She would probably resent me for keeping such a secret. Or worse..., her health might weaken after just knowing.

Holding the folded documents under my arm; my mother slips the picture into my hands and I immediately look away from it. My heart aches just to even see it.

The truth will be a tough pill to swallow. It was even tougher for me as well.

END of Father's POV

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