Chapter 30

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"Then...I'll come with y-"

"No! Don't come any closer!"

"Hyoseong, are you still there?"

How could I have been so stupid? All I do is keep hurting her....

"Damn it." I curse under my own breathe; hoping not to wake Hyoseong.

But all I could remember was the look on Y/N's face as I left her there in the hallways; calling out my name.

I keep messing up with her and it honestly hurt me to the core. My harsh tone must have caught her off guard, but at the same time; I needed Hyoseong to trust me.

This wasn't the first time Hyoseong did something like this. Similar scenarios has happen twice before. Of course to anyone else; they might wonder as to why I keep running to her rescue. But to be completely honest, I'd rather run to her, than to know if I didn't; something bad might happen.

However...this time, it was strangely different.

For the first time since Hyoseong and I have been together; I have never seen her so dejected. Neither have I seen her this upset. So much so; that she cried herself fast asleep

Again, ...I was careless with my actions. And for that; I was now caught between a rock and a hard place.

In pure confliction of my own feelings; I had to genuinely consider the woman I have always cared for and the woman that constantly keeps my senses awake for the last couple days.

I was this close to telling Y/N how I truly felt about her. I wanted to keep her in my arms; completely lost to the reality of this world I lived in. I was so caught up in the sweet scent of her skin; that I forgot as to why I was feeling so drained.

But like clock-work; I was pulled from her again. And I was beginning to wonder if these were just signs as to why I shouldn't get involved.

Watching as Hyoseong laid there beside me, gently stirring in her sleep; I hear my phone vibrating on the night stand revealing Y/N's name on my screen.

Clenching my jaw as I reached for my cell; I quickly turned the phone over avoiding the call. My heart felt heavy; knowing I couldn't answer. But because of the situation at hand; I had no other choice but to ignore.

"...It's her again; isn't?" Hyoseong mutters; shifting her body to face me.

"Yes." I promptly answer; unable to lie.

"...Who is she?" She questions. And I stare at her; thinking of how to respond. "...Do you like her, Taehyung?"

...I do. But I can never tell you that...right? I thought to myself; rubbing the temple of my forehead.

"Why are you asking me these questions Hyo? I already told you earlier; she's just a friend."

"I saw the way you treated her that night. I think you do like her. For as long as I've known you Taehyung; you have never shown that much sincerity to someone. So...which it; do you like her or is she really just a friend?" Hyoseong questions again; her voice faint.

"For the last time, there is nothing going on between me and that girl. She and I are neighbors and we also go to the same University as well. What more do you want me to say?"

I lied again; trying my best to keep her from acting out.

"It's funny. I've told you 'I love you' so many times and yet..., I have never heard you say it back."

"Where are you going with this?" I ask as she grips the hem of my shirt. And with facial expression that kicked me in the gut; Hyoseong continues to speak.

"I want you to be honest with me. I know you're not telling me the truth. I know you, Taehyung. Do you like her; yes or no?" She starts up again and I rise to my feet feeling annoyed by the conversation.

"Hyoseong..., I have been nothing but understanding and compassionate towards you. Despite you now being married to another man; I am still by your side. I can't understand as to why you would be this reckless because you saw me talking to another woman. You know exactly what I do! Why did she bother you so much that you drank yourself silly to go on the rooftop drunk?! You could have seriously injured yourself! I would..." I trail off; swallowing my pride at the thought of it. "I would never forgive myself if you did. So please...stop with the questions. I am here with you now for a reason. My day has been hard enough without being interrogated by you." I fully stated; resting my back against the wall of the hotel room.

I didn't want to lie anymore but I also had no intention of hurting her. Hyoseong was capable of doing anything when alcohol was involved and I needed her to sober up before I left.

"You said she was just a friend, right?" She voiced; slowly sliding out of bed. "... Friends don't look at each other the way you two did Tae." Hyoseong states as I stare at her. "I'm sorry for worrying you. And I'm sorry for breaking my promise. But I've been feeling so lost within myself that I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to lose you, Tae. I can't..." She expresses as tears run down her cheeks. "You are the only person who truly cares for me. I have no one else...., you know this. My family doesn't care what happens to me. And as long as I'm in this marriage I will never be happy. But you Tae..., you make me happy. So I drink, because you're not with me. I try to find a way to forget that we can't officially be together. And every single day I constantly fear that you will leave me. Please...please don't leave me. Please don't leave me Taehyung. I'd rather die than to not have you here with me." Hyoseong breaks down; falling to her feet as she hugs the sheets that covered her body.

And with a heavy heart, feeling great guilt in his actions; Taehyung makes a heart wrenching decision to put her feelings first once again. But this time, he had to ensure that his feeling towards Y/N will gradually fade away.

Walking over to wear she wept; Taehyung kneels down and pulls her into his arms.

"Please stop crying. I never meant to hurt you." He says; petting her head. "Look at me Hyoseong and stop crying. I promise. I won't leave. I'll stay by your side; just like you like you want. I'll stay here..., just like I promised."

With gentle rocks from side to side as he calms her crying state; Taehyung's vision catches a glimpse of his Jacket, which held a special and meaningful content inside its whip.

Clearly remembering that day in the art room, when he saw himself in Y/N's drawing; Taehyung felt a fondness within him that urged for something more. 

 Despite her efforts to throw away the drawing in the university dumpster downstairs; Taehyung found it within an hour and kept her of him portrait near and dear to his heart.

For that... was the only thing he had of her's now.

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