Chapter 74

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Namjoon's POV

"Namjoon." Y/N walks over as the doors to the press conference closes.

"Hey, why aren't you inside?" I point towards the room behind me, and she shrugs, shaking her head to the explanation she was given as well. "Madam Choi says it's best that I wait in the car. It seems after a press confess things can get a little crazy. My security team is actually waiting to take me there." She tells me looking to her right and I see six females in black tie suites standing opposite the hall, as they star me down from a distance.

"W-why is the short blond one looking at me like that. It's look like she's about to attack." I say and Y/N chuckles before peeping over at them.

"Oh, your fine. It's just..., an incident happened after parting with Nona backstage."

"Nona?" I repeat and she smiles shyly looking down.

"My Grandmother. She says hearing me call her Madam Choi feels a bit too formal and distant. And I think the word grandma doesn't suite her at all. I mean, have you seen her? Whatever water she's drinking I want some." Y/N jokes and I smile with glee at her statement.

"I'm glad you're slowly settling in. It makes happy seeing you smiling again." I say resting my hand on her shoulder and I see the same guard who has been eyeing me step forward.

By instant reflex, I retract my hand from Y/N's shoulder; and in doing so the guard takes her step back holding her position she was in once again.

"Hey..., whaaaat exactly happened after you parted with you grandmother?" I question, curious to know what actually ticked off the blonde one especially,

"Oh right. I...kind of ran into Jin earlier."

"You did? What did he do?"

"Nothing actually. At least, he couldn't get close to me even he tried." Y/N mentions glancing over at her security team. "Funny, people would jump to assume that male guards would be more ideal. However, women can be ten times scarier than if put to the challenge." She explains going into details further. "Jin only came forward to say he wanted to talk, but alone."

"Did you?"

"Honestly..., I was tempted." She says and I sigh shaking my head. "But that was only until he asked the third time; saying something along the lines of how he wants to explain the reason of what happened at the WaVe."

"And you believe him?"

"Hardly." She answers and I pressed my lips firmly together. "But I do know something is extremely pertaining to that night. Which is how I know he's hiding something." Y/N relays and I found myself wanting to find Jin myself.

"You and I both know Jin isn't to be trusted so there is no need for you to correspond with him about anything at all. He's only trying to snake his way in to get you on his good side. Honestly, if Madam Choi hadn't move forward with the press conference earlier; I'm pretty sure he would have caught both of us in a lie. Which is why I need you to leave him to me and avoid him at all costs." I tell her hoping her stubbornness would subside this time.

"Truthfully speaking..., avoiding Jin won't come with that much difficulty. After his persistency to speak to me, and me denying me denying the first few times; Soyeon and the others became a bit agitated, especially since Madam Choi's orders were to vacate the building with me immediately. Seeing that the press confess won't take long."

"Then I'm probably holding you up." I say and she smiles shaking her head.

"No. Your different. I told them I needed to speak with you before leaving. Truth is, I actually really wanted to say something before I go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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