Chapter 36

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"You're late." Jungkook comments at my tardiness as I enter the luxury boutique store he requested me to meet him.

"I'm- sorry- I- got lost. This place..., it's a lot bigger compared to my mall back home." I answer panting; sweating bullets just to get here.

"...It's fine. I already picked out a dress anyway. Just have a seat there until their ready for your fitting." He assures me; pointing to the nearest lounge chair by the large store windows.

"Fitting? H-how do you even know my size?" I ask him and Jungkook stands there with a smile plastered across his face; looking at my body from head to toe.

"I've seen you in tighter clothes, remember? Therefore it wasn't exactly difficult to tell the clerk your dress size. Your bust and hips however..., those might be an issue when moving" He quickly points out and I scoff at his brazenness.

"You do know I'm not afraid to walk out of here and leave, right?"

"Heheh, I'm kidding Y/N." He teases as he cocks his head to the side; still staring at me. "Sssst, but if I can be honest..., I think you should be proud of those curves." He answers with a coarse voice and I subconsciously begin to fix my jacket around my chest.

It's been like this ever since the week started. Jungkook's constant flirting.

His intense stares, the running his fingers through his hair as he flashes that lethal smile; and not to mention that crazy thing he does with his tongue between his teeth when he's looking at me.

I was in no mood these days to take on any of this; regardless of how sexually frustrated I was at a minimum. I needed a break from men and Jeon Jungkook actions were not helping all.

With his right touching his lips showcasing ink art, Jungkook hums underneath his breath in deep thought.

"...Hey, do you feel about a choker?"

"A chokers? Why a choker?" I question, peering at him. And Jungkook playfully smirks at my puzzled face; leaving me somewhat nervous. "...What's with the smile......? Please, tell me what's going on."

"Did you take the test I sent you last night, or not?"

"Are you talking about the BDSM one? Bondage and discipline and that slave and master type of shit? ...I did..."

"It's Domination and Submission; not slave and master. And what did I tell you about using vulgar languages?" He scolds and I puffed heavily through my nostrils.

"Well, it's not like he's here. So I can curse all I want. Plus, that's beside the point right now. Why was I even given that test to begin with? And does it have anything to do with tomorrow night?"

"...You ask so many questions..." He says with an exasperated sigh.

"That's because I have a right to know. You've given me all this information to read up on about one person and out of nowhere you send me a link to this test. ...I've...never done this. So I don't know if I'm into BDSM."

"You don't necessarily have to be. But if you were then that would give us a good advantage."

"...I'm...I'm not. But..." I trail off looking into a distance; playing with the palm of my hand.

"But...? But what?" Jungkook coaxes me to go on.

"...I may or may not have read up on it a few days ago." I reveal; then tightly pressed my lips together.

"Oh?~" Jungkook voiced with raised brows.

"I-I did only because Eunji and I had a conversation about it recently. And...I got curious so I...."

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