Chapter 10

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Taehyungs POV

The Blue Ocean and The WaVe.

These two places are quite popular for many things. Its food, the service, and the ambiance; however... what it was truly known for among the elite set of persons was the secrets these two places kept. Secrets of course, that pulled strings among the society.

Unfortunately, I myself have been wrapped up into it. This world of the sinful and unjust; playing with puppets on a string.

Women, sex, lust, parties, alcohol, fast cars, luxurious trips, money; honestly..., you name it...I've probably experienced it. I was brought into a world that many would dream of having. But as time went by; I wanted out.

Unfortunately, I was trapped in this sick twisted world of the high society. Yet, to be honest; ...I blame no one but myself for this.

And I'll tell you why.

Jin and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. My family and his are extremely close. So close that you would think that we were related. Our last name's being the same didn't help our case when we told the truth of us not being siblings. But as time went along we just rolled with it; and decided to call each other brothers.

Even so..., Jin and I are very different.

Jin was born with a silver spoon. Meaning he was born into a very wealthy family.

During my high school years Jin was always someone I looked up to. He was popular among his peers and of course with the girls as well. Even though we were in different grades; he'd always look out for me saying I was like a younger brother he never had. Growing up with Jin, I'll admit was some of the best years of my life.

He showed me a different side to living many of my peers would kill to experience. Although, to tell you the truth; what I cherished the most was spending time with him. It was never about the materialistic things he offered me.

Because he was like the older brother I never had.

Once Jin graduated; I became good friends with both Jungkook and Jimin; who were much closer to my age group. We were also in the same class and luckily we all ended up at the very same university.

But, who knew years later; we all would have ended up in the same place. Three young male escorts who are currently working under Jin's management.

I can still remember that dreadful night. That very awful night where pretty much everything for me; turned to shit.

2 years ago

"Taehyung! Taehyung!! TAEHYUNG, WAKE UP!!!" I could feel my body jerk as Jin shook me harshly. "WAKE UP DAMN IT!!" He shouts. My vision was blurry as I tried to regain focus.

"Wha-...what's going on? What's wrong?" I ask Jin; seeing him step away from me as he held his head with both hands in an alarming manner.

"Fuck...fuck..." he mutters and I wince at the sound of ringing in my ears.

I had no idea where I was. All I knew was that my throat was now dry and I was behind the steering wheel of Jin's car. My memory was foggy; the last thing I remembered was leaving The WaVe for its official grand opening and right away I knew I had way too much to drink.

"" Jin says and I exited the vehicle with weak legs; barley able to hold my ground.

"Jin...what's with you? Where are we?" I ask him. Looking onwards to what seems to be an empty road.

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