Chapter 51

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My grammar may be a little faulty-ish here. But I really wanted to finish the work. Don't judge meeeee.

Jungkook's POV

"Siwon! Yah Siwon! Just hold on a damn minute will you!" I ran behind him; doubling pacing it down the stairs. "Siwon, please; you can't tell Jin!" I shout and he finally stops in his tracks. "...You-you can't tell Jin."

"...You do know my loyalties lie with Mr. Kim, correct?" He asks and I heavily sigh at this well known fact.

"I know, and I know what I'm asking from you is...a lot. But if Jin finds out about Taehyung and Hyoseong's affair...; there's no telling what he might do him. You of all people know exactly what he's capable off. So please..., I'm begging you..., don't tell Jin."

"Your right...; you are asking a lot from me. But I can't help you Jungkook. Taehyung did what he did and the damage is already done. There's nothing you can do about it now. His punishment is one that has already been served."

"...His punishment? W-what are you talking about?" I ask; and Siwon stares out into the crowd avoiding my initial question.

"...Jungkook, as an escort here you are required to follow every rule not only for the best interest for the company; but for yourself as well."

"Where are you going with this?" I probed, hoping he would get to the point.

"You and I both know that this place is Jin's domain. He knows what goes within these walls; inside and out. The links he has with people in Seoul is undeniable strong and it grew that way when his sister married Min-Jun Choi. Jin will do anything to protect his status; even if it means getting rid of people who try to stop him from reaching his goal. I can't help you Jungkook; and I certainly cannot help Taehyung. I've already lied to Jin tonight on his behalf and I cannot do it anymore." He vaguely reveals and at this point; my mind began boggling for more information.

Seeing Siwon as he turns on his heels to walk away; I grab him by the shoulders begging him to explain.

"Siwon, please; what are you talking about? What lie did you tell on his Tae's behalf?"

"...Your friend Kim Taehyung quite his job tonight."

"He-he what?"

"...He publicly announced his leave through the security radio waves; and if I'm not mistaken; half the guards here probably know about it by now. And to add fuel to the fire; he called Jin a...; ahem...; a 'cold blooded ass of a boss'; in more words than one." He states and I couldn't help but suppress my laughter at the last bit.

"Pfft; I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed; but come on, just the way you said it in your whole serious security guard mode." I replayed and Siwon stares back at me in cold silence. "Ahem, my apologies; you were saying?"

"...I failed to report this incident to Jin and I also told my team to ignore the problem as well. It's only a matter of time until Jin finds out that Taehyung ruined his plans involving Chorong; he has more eyes in this place than you think."

"He didn't go through with the plan? Holy shit, he really meant when he said he was done. But still; you can't tell Jin. Not about Hyoseong."

"You understood nothing I just told, you didn't you? Wow, ...goodnight Jungkook." He says running down the steps and I began following him once again.

"Siwon, I'm really trying here, but you're being quite unreasonable with information. Can't you just promise me you won't tell Jin?"

"I can't promise you that." He continues down the stairs; and I couldn't help but use my last resort for him to stop.

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