Chapter 48

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A/N: I just wanted to share that Jin is by far one of my best characters to write in this series. Dude is hella cunning and complex and dangerously smart and sneaky and deliciously villainous. I- I just-
Please Enjoy~

"Heh, well, apology accepted my dear. However, just seeing your beautiful face alone would have been enough." He comments as his index finger began tapping against his mask again. "Then again..., there was truthfully no real reason for you to even apologize in the first place. Besides, I've heard far harsher words from others. You'd be quite surprised to know what people have actually said to my face. Someone even went as far to say that I would be a perfect fit for a main antagonist in a novel. That I'm the type villain that people would enjoy hating. Honestly; when I do think about it; it actually doesn't sound half bad. To me, it only means that people respect me or they fear me. Haha, really, such a comment still amuses me to this day" He smiles, completely unbothered by what past persons have said.

But, was he truly proud of it?

To be called a top tier Villain?

"....How odd." I say, and Jin's smile slowly fades away. "To hear something like that, it pleases you; doesn't it? To my understanding, it seems you enjoy being called the bad guy Mr. Kim." I say boldly as I took a step closer to where stood; my face inches away from his. "Does being bad fulfill a type of high for you? If so; do tell me so I am prepared before involving you in my life. I'd hate to know you invited me here just to play one of your little devious games."

I fully expressed and the revelation that sparked within Jin's eyes sealed the deal of me knowing that I was now fully in charge.

Dear readers; do you honestly think I would be the type to kneel to this man so easily?

Not a fucking chance.

We Continue

"...Oh?~" His lips part with a single raised brow; gleaming signs of humor within his eyes. "So..., you knew along, didn't you? That it was me who requested to meet you."

"Yes." I answer with a pleasant smile. "I did."

"Heh, how un-expecting..." He looks up to the sky with a beguiling sheepish smile. "Then..., why apologize? Were you just having fun by saying those cruel things to get my attention earlier?"

"Pffth, your attention? Hah..., yah..., you're quite full of yourself, aren't you Mr. Kim?" I commented on his standpoint as I slip the stem of his wine glass between my ring and middle fingers. "Let's be real...; I truly had no intention of running into you like this. You sir really did catch me of guard. And as far as my apology is concerned; it honestly seems to me that you didn't even listen to a word I said. How disappointing."

"Funny..., tell me; what exactly are you talking about my dear? Have I missed something?"

"You did..., you see Mr. Kim; I am sorry that you had to hear such harsh words from my mouth; however, what I'm not sorry for; is actually saying it." I coldly stated; and Jin stands there with his eyes intently fixed on mine. "You see; I figured you didn't actually come out to the sky deck just to "check" to see if I was okay. That was just a really sorry excuse to cover up the fact you were eager to meet me and you know it." I reveal, and Jin's lips form back into a smile, as a light chuckle escapes from his mouth

"Heh, fine..., I'll be honest;'ve caught me red handed. You really had me fooled earlier. I must say; I'm rather impressed."

"Oh you are? Well that's a relief. However for me; I must say that I wasn't very impressed by you at all." I step forward, meeting the point of his shoes with my own.

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