Chapter 46

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Quick Summary: With Namjoon getting information of y/n's attendance, he finds the source of it all and confronts him.

And with a new escort in the mix; things have definitely gotten a bit more interesting.


Part of this Chapter is written in the format of the reader interviewing Jay. Enjoy!~
ALSO! Posting again tomorrow! Even if it's short imma keep posting! I can't prolong the suspense any longer!~

Jungkook's POV

Minutes before Y/N's encounter with Jin

" right here for just a few minutes? There's someone I need to speak with." I say as I began to walk towards where Tae and Jay were heading.

"Hey, w-wait! Where are going?" I hear y/n call out, but I couldn't stop. I needed to see what they were up to.

"I'll be right. Just stay right here." I urged her then briskly walked away.

There was no way I could miss this chance. It was the only opportunity I had to stop Tae from making a huge mistake; even if it meant risking our friendship in the process.

Luckily I had a few minutes to spare before Jin's entrance and Dr. Yang's arrival.

I just needed to ensure I get back to y/n in time.

"Yah!! JK!" I hear the roaring call of my alias name and I immediately stop in my tracks.

"Ah..., fuck." I sighed, preparing myself to greet the man I knew I'd have more trouble dodging for the remainder of the evening. "...Hey Joon~" I smile as I turn to greet him. "Glad to see you made it! Gotta say; love the suite."

"Cut the crap Kook. Now where is she?"

"I'm sorry but...she? Ssst..., I don't know Namjoon, you're going to have to be a lot more specific than that. I know plenty of women; so...when you say "she"?" I quoted with a chuckle; stalling him while I thought of the best escape route possible.

"Oh, so you think this is funny hmm? Time for jokes?"

"Well come on now, they do say laughter is the best medicine. I'm only trying to lighten the mood here."

"Hahah..., you know, that's very true." He answers, slowly stepping closer. "Then how about I do the same and satisfy you with an even better joke?"

"Ooh, yeah~?"

"Oh yeah, trust me; your gonna love this one. You see Kook; I had a little chat with Jin not long ago, and strangely enough, he has the craziest idea that y/n is here at this party tonight."

"Pft, that is crazy."

"Right, that's what I said. But you know what's even stranger? He also went to say that you were in fact the one who invited her." Namjoon mentions and I could see the look in his eyes darken with vexation. "Now, I'm not sure if you remember what kind of 'events' take place during these parties every year; but I really hope that Jin's lying and you wouldn't be so carless as to bring her in the first place. So tell me Kook, he's lying right? You wouldn't dare bring her here, correct?" Namjoon finishes and I realize this joke was more of a threat in disguise.

"...Is that what you what to you want the truth?"

"Kook..." he lowly growls my name backing me into a corner and with my hand held before me in defense; I decided to tell him the truth.

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