Chapter 18

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Taehyung's POV

As usual; this place was already filled with affluent and socialite individuals. Funny thing was; some of them had other intentions tonight at hand rather than attending a simple birthday celebration.

Jin told me of his recently developed plans. How he intends to bring onboard investors and new clients for his latest project.

How was I involved; you might wonder?

Well, for starters; he asked Jungkook, Jimin and I to help with assisting in bringing new female clients onboard. We were essentially his neatly wrapped packages for the evening. He wanted to go larger with this, and seeing that there were only three of us; he wanted to recruit more.

"Let's get the word around. I have big things planned for us; .... especially for you, Tae." He simply said a few days ago.

But ever since then; word about his 'new project' have left me on edge.

I was about to be tied for life to this world and I had no idea where my loyalties lied.

Ever since my conversation with Y/N; I've been constantly thinking about what she said. Yes, I wanted to be happy. Yet, I had no idea where to begin to achieve that.

However...the main thing that bothered me the most; is that I've been catching myself on many occasions just thinking about her as well. Even when I try not to; my sub-conscious thoughts strikes me in defeat with recent dreams I've had. Dreams, if I were to reveal; you'd probably think I was sexually frustrated.

Then again; I kind of am.

These days, I haven't really been satisfied with the intimacy I have been receiving. All of it was lacking in many ways. There was no true emotional bond between Hyoseong and me. For years I've always been her support cushion during hard times and in return...nothing. I've felt the need to be there for her, to protect her to love her; always in the silence of my despair.

But, before I could jump into my own personal feelings; I needed someone to help me to put an end to Jin's plans. And as much as I hated to admit it...Namjoon was that perfect person.

Scouring the room as I went in search of Namjoon, I saw two familiar faces who I figured knew exactly where he was.

And with quick strides; I made my way towards Hoseok and Yoongi who were having drinks by the main bar.

"Well, if it isn't the master himself. Good to see you again Taehyung. Or are you going by V tonight?" Hoseok mentions; taking a sip of his drink as I stood before them.

"That depends, how much are you willing to pay?" I retorted to his vague question and Hoseok chuckles; lifting his drink to my comment.

Regardless of them being my college seniors; these two also had knowledge of Jin's trades. For they too are linked to him; guided with Namjoon's aid.

"Thought you weren't coming tonight." Yoongi voiced; resting his glass on the counter as he turns to face me. "Change of heart?"

"You know me Yoon; I always support a friend's birthday."

"Friend? That's funny. The both of you have been on bad terms for a while now." Hoseok chimes in.

"Not to mention, you and Jin were the main reason why Namjoon's father's new business plan didn't fall through; taking away his number one investor." Yoongi added; and could see that they were teaming up against me.

"Look, I know what you the two of you think of me and right now I couldn't care less. We can go back and forth with this all night, but I don't have the time. I honestly just came over here to ask you both if you've seen Namjoon. I have something very important to tell him." I disclosed; and the both of them paused for a moment then turned to look at each other. "...What? What is it?"

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