Chapter 60

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QUICK A/N: In these upcoming chapters (which I will be posting over the weekend) They will be synced together from each Characters POV. I hope you luvies enjoy! <3 


"Hello!? Is anybody there?! Hello!? Anybody?!" I shout running down a dimly lit road with asphalt dark as the night.

But no matter how far I walked; it felt as if I was repeated my steps over and over again.

"Hello!!?? Somebody please!!" I cry feeling the darkness thickening around me.

"Y/N...." A voice whispers.

"W-whose there?!" I panic; being blinded by pitch darkness.

"You're next~~"I hear it say as they giggle around me

"W-what are you talking about? Next for what?" I question and a blast of multiple voices began to consume me.

"Y/N~~~... Y/N! You're next!"

"You're next! HAHAHA"

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N~"

"You're next. You die next HAHAHAH!"

"Stop! Stop calling my name! Enough!!" I cry; covering my ears and the voices continue.

"You're next! Y/N~ Y/N! Y/N!"


"STOP!!!!" I shout; kicking in my sleep.

And a soon as the voices stop; I am left siting there alone in the darkness.

Shaking, as I slowly remove my hands from my ears; I look up and realized that I was now staring down the barrel of a gun.

"BOO!" Herin shouts as she smiles at me.




I woke up; gasping for air by a nightmare that was built to terrorize me.

The after effects were ever worse as I felt a splitting head ache coming on.

Swinging my legs out of bed as I run for the entrance; I see my brother enter the room and quickly stops me from going any further.

"Whoa whoa whoa! What's going on? You know you shouldn't be out of bed." He says while checking my monitor as I felt beads of sweat dripping down my face. "Did you have another nightmare?" Taemin picks up and I sigh heavily while nodding away.

"Shit, that's the fourth one this week. Maybe we should mention it to your doctor-

"No. Promise me you won't tell anyone about this. You're the only one I can trust now so please; keep this between you and I for now." I pleaded as he pressed his lips together before answering me.

"I'm really concerned it's getting worse. These are basically panic attacks."

"They're sleep terrors....actually." I corrected him and Taemin shook incredulity.

"It's the same thing!" He exclaims and I exhaled in annoyance. "Look, I get it. What happened that night...; it affected every single one of us. So I know it's still hard to talk about it. However, if you're having trouble sleeping Y/N; I really think we should really ask for help."

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