Chapter 1

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"Okay! That's the last box from the moving truck." My father said with excitement in his eyes. "We actually did it kiddo! We have officially moved! Although... it does feel a little nostalgic being back; you know?" he beamed looking over at me.

"It HAS been awhile. Everything here looks a bit different now. Bigger even." I spoke while wiping down the dishware. "I just hope I can remember how to get to school and back home with ease."

"Well, it has been sixteen years since we last came here. But you were in pre-school back then. So I guess everything will feel a little different, but you'll be okay. I'm sure of it. This is going to be a brand new start for the both of us!"

I nodded agreeing with his words, tucking a dish back into the cupboard.

"So Kiddo, Are you ready for this?"


Take note of that question: "Are you ready for this?"

I'm sure your reading this now thinking "Aww, this looks like a cute story. A nice father and daughter relationship moving to a new place together; what could possibly go wrong?

Well let me just answer that for you buddy.

A lot of things.

It could be good or bad but...that's just life right?

Let me fill you in a little bit; your probably lost as to who I am.

My name is Y/N. I recently moved back to Korea with my dad in the city Seoul. A little before that; we lived in the U.S with my Mom and my older brother.

Everything was great! Well...I thought it was. I soon found out that my family was actually falling apart.

They say sometimes love fades with time but I always thought my parents would last forever.

Unfortunately they came to the conclusion that neither of them were happy in the relationship and my mom eventually found someone to fill that void.

Was it while she was with my father? I choose not to believe it. Even though...I know it's true.

Fast forward to now my brother; Taemin, decided to stay with my mom while I moved with my dad to Korea.

Of course, it was mainly because of this huge promotion at his job that relocated him to Korea. Which by the way is the country he was born in; so he's not far from home.

But unlike my father, not being able to have my family as a whole; I realized that I felt way far from home. Ergo the saying 'Home is where your heart is'

Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy to be here. I'm starting a new school, I started meeting new people, I'm getting to know my dad's home country and his family, but also I'm getting to know......him.

The one that I had no intention of getting involved with. The one who decided to shake my world to the ground and somehow....I...

Wait...enough about him. Why don't we just dive right in, shall we?

Let's get started

Welcome to my world


Looking over his shoulder my dad calls out to me grabbing my attention with a photo of my mother and I, trying to ease my sullen mood with warm words.

"Look kiddo...,after the divorce your mom and I thought it would be best if we-

"Dad, it's cool. You don't have to explain about you and mom. I'm just...trying to adjust here. I mean...we moved back to Korea on a whim. Not my first choice but grandma and pops wanted us here so I can't really argue with the outcome can I? Plus this promotion is huge. Don't worry about me."

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