Chapter 62

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"That's too bad..." I sympathized for a moment. "'s still not as bad as that lie of yours though." I reveal, and Taehyung inhales sharply seeing that he's been found out. "...That night you disappeared on me; you met with him didn't you?" I ask and Tae sits there shaking his head.

"Let's end our day here." He replies unlocking the passenger door and I swiftly seize him by his arm. "What did he do Tae? Tell me, what did Jin do to you?" I prod hoping he'll give in, and Taehyung slowly sits back down staring into a distant space.

"...It's true. I did meet with Jin. However..., not on my own free will." He spoke as he slowly begins to unbutton his shirt; revealing marks I've never seen before.

"What the fu-


Taehyung's POV

We Begin With A


"Let go! Let go of me!" I shout; struggling to break free from their grasp. "Enough! I said enough!"

"Stop fighting!" They land a solid punch on my stomach as I felt air leave my lungs.

And the moment I came to realizing where I was; I now saw Jin before me sitting at his office desk.

"Hello Taehyung." He says as a puff of smoke escapes his lips. "I'm so glad you decided to come in and meet with me today." Jin welcomes me in a sure fire twisted way.

"I decided? Hah...are you fucking kidding me right now? You're the one that had your men drag me here against my will!" I shouted as he sat there smiling at me. "What do you want Jin? Why did you have your guards bring here?"

"Now Tae...; how else were we going to meet in person when all you did was avoid my phone calls. Though I'll be honest; knowing that you did that...well; it kind of hurts my feelings." Jin expresses. "So, to make things easier for the both of us; I decided why not do this instead. Think of it as a mini surprise party for you...; minus the balloons, cake and champagne of course." He states as I annoyingly sneered through gritted teeth.

"...We had this conversation before Jin. I really don't know why we're back here once again." I say, as he silently looks at me from behind his large mahogany desk. "...I've already stated my case as to why your deal to make me your partner was unacceptable a week ago. As I mentioned before; it's highly unfitting for me to work with you anymore. Boundaries were crossed, along with trust and loyalty; the way I see it...I can't be here anymore. So I'm telling you this right now face to face...; if you're not going to fire me Jin; then I'll just leave myself." I stand to my feet and one of his guards swiftly sits me back down. "Get your filthy hands off me." I demanded and the both of them began to hold me down. "I said get off! ...Enough! Let go! I said let go damn it! Stop!" I shout and they both them slams me down back into my seat; causing a sharp pain to my gun wound. "ARRGHH!! SSsst..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..., eaaasy you two; remember, this one here was shot. I know he may not look it right now; but he's...quite valuable to me. So I implore you; please do be more careful with him. I can't be bothered to replace another escort at this time." He says lifting his feet from his desk as he takes another draw of his favorite Cuban cigar. "Still..." He blows a cloud of smoke. "...there will be no need to use any more physical force with him. I can assure you he won't try to run away again. Unless..., you'd like a broken leg to match with that wounded arm of yours Tae; then by all means gentlemen, you're go ahead." Jin deems and I clenched my jaw in silence as he begins to speak again. "Well then, now that I've got your full attention; care to tell me why you've been avoiding my calls dear brother?" He questions. And I lightly chuckle while shaking my head.

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