Chapter 45

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I just stood there in shock. What was that supposed to mean? Right when I read the part about the. code, I felt an itch in the back of my mind. Like I really did remember it, but I couldn't at the same time. It was so messed up.

I sat down and closed my eyes to concentrate on remembering. What was the code? I thought for about ten minutes before I remembered that something that Tommy told me.

"So far we have float and catch.."

That triggered something in the back of my mind. Float, Catch... Something that started with a B. I rubbed my temples and an image came to my head. Bloody hands.

Float, Catch, Bleed. Then something in the same nature that started with a D. That didn't take much. Float, Catch, Bleed, Death.

I sighed and got the last two right away since the sequence was becoming fresh in my mind.

Float, Catch, Bleed, Death, Stiff, Push.

That was the code. Six simple words.

I looked back at the plaque before I left and all it said was, "The Memory."

I shrugged and started running back into the Glade to tell them the code.

As I ran, I was thinking about how the others were holding up. I knew that I was supposed to stay and explore, but I knew that they would want me to tell them the news too.

When I passed by the cliff, something caught my eye. A little spot of black against the gray stone of the maze. I ran over and picked it up. A shred of Cam's shirt. I let out a little whimper of pain as I thought about the last thing she told me.

It's because of you.

I took a deep breath and made my way back to the Glade with my heart sinking into blackness.


When I got back to the Glade, it was empty because everyone was in the Map Room. I ran there, and when Newt saw me, he walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong at all. You guys don't have to keep doing this," I explained.

Newt raised an eyebrow, "What does that mean?"

"I know the whole code. It's float, catch, bleed, death, stiff, push," I answered.

"Wait one second," He reached over and grabbed a paper off if the table, "We have the first four so far. Yours match ours."

"Yes!" I pumped my fist into the air, and Newt told everyone to stop because we have the whole code. The Gladers let out a sigh of relief before leaving to go sleep in the Homestead.

After they were all gone, Teresa approached me, "Hey, Izzy."

I smiled, "Hi, Teresa."

"You and Newt are the cutest thing ever," She gushed. I have a sweet smile to her, and then her smile faded into a look of concern, "Did you find that other girl out there?"

My smile faded too, "No, I didn't see her." I'm such a liar.

A tear rolled down my cheek, and Teresa said, "Don't cry. I'm sure they'll find her." She put a hand on my shoulder. I wanted to believe her, but I just couldn't. Not with what I found out there.

"Thanks, Teresa." I wiped the tears off of my face and hugged her, and then a thought came into my mind, "Do you like Thomas?"

Her body tensed and her eyes widened. She did.

"N-No. Why would you th-think that?" She stuttered nervously.

"Shame. You two would be a cute couple." I smiled as I walked off.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now