Chapter 23

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I saw the hurt in Izzy's eyes when I told her to go away. Then I felt even worse than I already did. Ugh, I'm such a jerk. Now I hate myself.

I just sat there and cried for a couple more minutes before I went to my cot in the Homestead to sleep even though I'm not going to be able to. I might've just put a wedge between me and my best friend. I watched as they started the bonfire. A tear ran down my cheek as I got angry. How could they have a bonfire at a time like this? Ugh, these shuckfaces have no respect.


I ran up to Newt who was pacing still. He was freaked.

"Newt, it's going to be okay," I comforted.

"No, no it's not!" He cried. His face was wet with tears.

"Newt-" I started.

"No! I'm upset right now, so just go away! I'm done right now!" Tears were still falling from his face.

A tear rolled down mine and I croaked, "Fine! Nobody wants me around them when I'm trying to comfort them. Not now, Izzy! I'm done, Izzy! Go away, Izzy! That's all I'm hearing right now! And from the two most important people in my life. Just don't talk to me anymore!"

I ran over to my spot, sat there, and cried. I heard some footsteps and looked up to see Chuck.

I smiled, "Oh, hey Chuck,"

"Hey. I heard what happened and I wanted to make you feel better," He replied handing me a notebook. It wasn't mine, so who's was it?

I took it from his hand and asked, "Who's is it?"

"Newt's," He whispered.

I looked at him, "Newt has a journal?"

"Yeah, I was cleaning around to homestead once and found it under his pillow. Read it,"

I opened it and read, "Today there was a new greenie, but it was a girl this time. She had beautiful, blonde hair, and a good build. Right when I saw her, I knew was to be mine. She was awake at first, but then she bled so much she went unconscious. I took her to Clint and Jeff, and they fixed her up. She still hasn't woken up and it's been about two hours. I act like I have stuff to do, but I go and check on her all the time to make sure she's not up yet. I want to be the first person she wakes up to. We had a couple extra journals that the runners aren't using, so I took this one and decided to write about life here in the Glade. Well, until tomorrow, reader."

I looked at Chuck, "Newt has a journal?"

"Yep, and since it was about you, I thought it would cheer you up a little."

"Thanks, Chuck." I hugged him and opened the journal back up.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now