Chapter 10

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Today, Minho let me do two sections in the Maze because we got a new runner named Ben. He was cool I guess. He wasn't that great at running though. Newt was kind of upset about it, though. Less time with me I guess. I still got back way before the rest of the runners did. 

I got back and was so happy bacause Newt wasn't busy. It was about lunch time, so I caught him walking to lunch.

"Hey," I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

He turned and smiled, "Hey," He slid his arm around me. We went and sat with Cameron. Chuck joined us a couple minutes later. I remembered Chuck had the tour today.

"How was the tour?" I asked Chuck.

"Let me just say, Alby scares me," he answered.

"Don't worry. He seems kind of scary and mean now, but he's really funny and cool once you get to know him," I comforted him.

"Yeah, he's really stupid when he's around us and not stressed," Newt told him. Cam and I nodded. 

"Thanks, guys," he smiled and we all smiled back.

After lunch, Newt and I went to our little stream in the Deadheads to just kinda talk and hang out. 

"What do you think of Chuck?" I asked leaning my head on his shoulder.

"He's cool and nice, but..."

"But what?" I looked at him.

"You've got to admit he's really annoying," we both laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," After a long pause, I said, "I can't believe I've only been here 3 months,"

"I know! It feels like I've know you forever," He kissed my temple and rubbed my arm. We were jerked away by from our thoughts when we heard an earslpitting scream. I knew immediately who the scream was coming from. Cameron. Newt and I got up and started running towards the source of the scream. 

We got back to see Cam against the wall being kissed by a guy named Ethan. I was pissed, and so was Newt. Minho came running out of the Maze right then. He turned to see Ethan kissing a screaming Cam. Minho ran up and pulled Ethan off of Cam. He started beating the crap out of him. Cam ran up to Newt and I. She was crying so hard. I never liked that Ethan guy. 

If Alby hadn't came and pulled Minho away, Minho would've killed Ethan. Ethan was put in jail for three weeks. Minho wanted him banished, but Alby said that was a little too much. Honestly, I wanted him banished, too. Nobody hurts my best friend like that and gets off that easy.


I was still shaken up by the whole incident today. 

I was over in the Homestead waiting for Izzy and Newt to come back so that we could hang out. I was so bored. This Bricknick named Ethan came into the Homestead and asked if I wanted to hang out. I didn't want to be around him, but I was so bored I was desperate. I accepted. We went to the edge of the Deadheads. We were just standing and talking, and he was creeping me out so I made up and excuse to get away from him.

He slammed me against the wall and said, "I don't care if you're with Minho. He doesn't have to know about us," Then he started kissing me on my neck. I started screaming my lungs out while he kept kissing me.

Izzy and Newt came out of the Deadheads right as Minho came out of the Maze. He turned and saw me, and he started beating the crap out of him as I cried in Newt and Izzy's arms.

Now Minho won't leave my side, "Minho, I'm fine you don't have to stay with me,"

"I'm not leaving your side. Everyone needs to know that you're my girl. You know take the hint," he told me. I smiled and blushed when he called me 'his girl.'

Before you knew it, it was bed time. I went to my cot and laid down, and automatically fell asleep. What Ethan did to me was in my dreams. Or should I say nightmare. You know everyone always says, 'Dreams come true.' But they forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too.

I woke up sweating with wet cheeks. I was crying quietly when I felt a hand on my waist. I turned to see Minho there, "Are you okay?" he whispered. I shook my head. "Y ou can come sleep with me tonight if you need to." Minho got up and got on his cot. I got up, and I snuggled up to him as he pulled the blanket over me. He kissed my temple as I drifted off to sleep. 

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now