Chapter 9

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It's been a month since the thing with Gally happened. He was let out of jail two weeks after he did that to me. I always walk by him on the way to the walls and he glares at me each time. When he's had a bad morning he mouths "Shuckface." 

Cam got what jobs she would be doing. She got the job of a Med-jack. She loves it. She just has to sit in the Homestead and wait for hurt or sick people. I spend most of my time when I get back with either her or Newt. Mostly her. Newt's been busy lately, but he still spends every second of his free time with me.

Minho and Cam are still going good. They really, really like eachother. When Newt's busy, and Minho's back, I feel like a third wheel between Cam and Minho. I know Cam feels that way around Newt and I though.

Newt, Cam, and I were at lunch when the greenie alarm went off.

Cam was confused, "What's happening?"

"A new greenie's coming up!" I answered.

Newt said, "If it's another girl, I'm gonna scream,"

Cam and I were still chuckling when Newt and Alby opened the box doors. We looked down and it was a boy. Newt didn't have to scream. He had brown, curly hair and brown eyes. This boy was young! He looked like he was about 13. He was freaking out and everyone was making fun of him. 

"Everyone shut up! Y'all are jerks! Stop being slintheads to him!" Cam yelled. Everyone stopped making fun of him immediatly. Poor kid, he probably klunked his pants.

Newt and Minho helped him out. Alby held out his hand, "Welcome to the Glade, Greenie,"He shook it, and he looked like he was about to cry, "Hey, Izzy and Cameron," Cam and I stepped forward, "Give him his sleeping arrangments."

"Yes, Alby," we said in unison. We started walking toward the Homestead, and he followed.

He started crying, "i can't remember anything,"

"It's okay, none of us did," I comforted him, "But do you remember your name?"

"Yes, it's Chuck," he answered still sniffiling. 

"Nice to meet you, Chuck. I'm Cam," Cam greeted with a smile.

"And, I'm Izzy," I smiled, "Just so you don't get confused later, we're the only girls here. We were the two greenies before you,"

"Oh," was all that he said. We gave him his sleepig arrangements, and before you knew it, it was dinnertime. Chuck sat with Newt, Minho, Cam, Alby, and I. Alby usually didn't eat with us. He usually ate with other random people. Let me cut to the chase, Chuck was so annoying! He talked all the time, he told a ton of boring stories he made up.

I looked over at Newt and he gave a look that said, "Why does he have to sit with us?" I shrugged. 

At the bonfire, Newt and I were laying on the grass looking up at the stars. Newt slid his arm around me, "Newt?" I asked.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"When did you realize that you liked me?"

He looked at me and smiled, "I knew I had a crush on you when I first saw you in the box passed out. You were beautiful. The first time I realized that liked you the day you were awake. I mean it was kinda akward because I liked you and I was nervous, but I still liked you," I smiled, "So what about you?" he asked.


"When did you realize you liked me?"

I blushed and said, "Well, when I first saw you I thought you were hot so that was kinda akward..." Newt laughed and I continued, "But, I realized that I liked you when you said you kept checking on me every ten minutes,"

He smiled and asked, "Izzy?"

"Yeah," I looked at him.

"I love you," I blushed. He said it. I was so happy. I never thought that three words would change my life.

"I love you, too, Newt," We fell asleep together talking to eachother. Three words. Three wonderful words said by my favorite person in the world changed my life. 

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now