Chapter 52

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Dedicated to Sunshinebear1312 and _tmrfangirl_ because they make me have the urge to write. 😊


Izzy, I hear a soft voice say in the back of my mind. Izzy, you have to wake up now. Everything's changing.

My eyes snap open at that. The whole room is dark with only the dim light of a monitor providing light. I hear rapid breathing next to me followed by, "Izzy? Are you awake?"

It was Cam. Okay, yesterday did happen. I nod, but then mentally face-palm myself. It's dark, you idiot. She can't see you.

"Yeah." I answered with a slight scratchiness to my voice. "What's the monitor for?"

"I don't know. I just woke up." Somehow, I could tell she shrugged. We both got up and walked over to where the monitor was. It showed the boys getting ready to get out of the Maze.

Tommy was standing there lecturing the rest of them like they did in movies before the big fight. I couldn't hear anything they were saying. The monitor just showed the picture. I wouldn't be able to hear it anyway because the buzz in my ears were too loud. There's no way that all of them would survive against the huge number of Grievers coming for them. I had to fight three. They had to fight about twenty more. I had it easy.

When the fight started, Tommy, Teresa, and Chuck all ran for the Griever Hole while the rest were left to fight the Grievers. Even Newt, who had the limp, had to fight. It's not fair.

Alby had sacrificed himself to save everyone, but it failed. Newt tried to save him but ended up collapsing from being tired. We lost Alby... The guy who I thought was without feeling at first but discovered later that he was cool. He's gone. I let out a whimper, but I didn't cry. I was trying to be strong. I couldn't cry over all of the boys who were about to be killed by the awful Grievers.

At one part, I screamed when Newt was pushed back by the Griever and he fell. He can't die... He can't. I have to see him one last time. I was praying to God that he would get saved, and then it was answered. Minho came in and helped fight the Griever off which brought tears of joy to my eyes. Thank God for Minho. Cam stood there eyes wide and speechless. She was probably afraid that Minho was about to get hurt. I can't blame her... I'm the same with Newt. The boy whose heart I broke when I ran into the Maze. He probably hates me.

I couldn't watch anymore when Tommy, Teresa, and Chuck went through the Griever Hole. My friends were being slaughtered right before my eyes. The Grievers were covered in the dark red blood that belonged to my friends. I went into the corner and wept for them. It's not fair. They had a life to live. A family to have. Most were immune so they wouldn't have much of a problem. But Newt would... He's not immune. I wept harder at that. I wouldn't have a life with him. He'll end up getting the Flare and go crazy. He would have the same fate as my mom and dad.

After a little while Cam screamed, "Oh my shuck!"

I look over to see what she's staring at and my eyes widen. Gally's standing there on the monitor with a solemn look on his features.

I wipe the tears off of my face and get up to see. Tommy and the others are yelling before Gally does something that makes my blood freeze in my veins. He throws the knife towards my brother. Cam and I scream like banshees when time seems to go slow. Chuck screams and jumps in front of him just in time to take the knife to the chest. I scream louder until I start breathing hard in a panic attack. I collapse to the floor with my body trembling from the fear. Tears start to fall out of my eyes as my body curls into a ball. He wasn't supposed to die. He's supposed to wake up and go get a kiss on the cheek from his mom before he went to school like a normal thirteen year old. They did this to him. They brought him into this on purpose. My vision starts to go blurry once I break out of my thoughts. Cam is whispering for my to calm down as she hugs me to her chest. It takes a lot, but I get my breath to slow and stop letting out shrieks of pure torture to my heart. The creators basically ripped my heart out and stomped on it in the last months.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now