Chapter 2

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I was sitting there thinking about how Izzy was doing with Alby on the tour. Alby is usually tough on the Greenies. When I first saw her, I knew there was something special about her. Other than the fact that she is the only girl. She had gray eyes that shown bright with happiness, and short, dirty blonde hair that was pulled into a tight ponytail on the back of her head. She also had a nice build on her for a girl. I could also tell that she doesn't usually overreact to pain.

I was still thinking about her when Alby and Izzy came running up to me. "Hey Newt." Alby greeted, "I was wondering if you could show Izzy her sleeping arrangements. I have a lot to do today,"

"Sure," I replied while looking at Izzy fiddling with her hair.

"Thanks, Newt. I owe you one." Alby said before he walked off. When he was gone, I looked over at Izzy again.

She was still messing with her hair, then she looked up. She looked up surprised, "Oh! I'm sorry! I was zoning out," She said her cheeks turning red.

I chuckled, "That's okay, I do that all the time!" Izzy was also laughing. Her smile was beautiful, "Well lets get your sleeping arrangements then,"

"Okay," she replied smiling still. I stood up and showed her to the Homestead. I gave her a cot that was a couple away from mine, so I could watch over her. We talked for a little while, and my admiration for her had only grown. I looked over to the West Door of the Maze, and saw Minho come out and plop onto the ground. He was back too early. I got up and ran over to him wondering what was wrong. Izzy was by my side in an instant.

When we got over there, Minho's chest was heaving up and down, and he was drenched in sweat. "Minho, what happened?" I asked concerned.

"I saw a Griever, man," Minho said trying to catch his breath.

"Did you get stung?" I was scared that he did because he is one of my only friends.

"No, I got out just in time. Now can we stop the chit chat, and get me some water?"

"Izzy, can you run to the Homestead, and ask Frypan for a glass of water for Minho?" She nodded, and when I turned to tell her thanks, she was already halfway to the Homestead.

"Who's the chick?" Minho asked nodding in her direction.

"That's Izzy. She's the new greenie," I answered.

"She's fast. Is she cool though?"

"Yeah, she's really cool. She's funny, athletic, and smart,"



"You're crushing on her!" Minho said cracking up.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks, "No! Minho, I don't even know her!"

"Sure, dude," Minho rolled his eyes at me. Izzy was back carrying a glass of water, and she handed it to Minho. Minho chugged it, and handed the glass to me as he stood up. He looked at Izzy and said, "Thank you," he held out his hand, "I'm Minho. Keeper of the Runners,"

"I'm Izzy. Do you even like to run?" She smirked while shaking his hand.

"I guess it's better than the other jobs," he smirked right back. I was getting kind of jealous that Minho and Izzy became friends immediately.

After they talked for a while, I went over and interrupted their talking by saying, "It's time for lunch you two," I was angry because Minho was flirting with Izzy.

"Okay. Thanks, Newt!" Minho said with a smile.

"Yeah, Whatever," I mumbled as I started walking away.

I overheard Minho ask Izzy, "Hey can I talk to Newt for a minute?"

"Sure. I'll see you there" She responded.

Minho's footsteps approached quickly, and he asked, "Dude, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled again.

"No, you're not,"

"I'm fine!" I raised my voice.

"Is this because of Izzy,"

"No! It's about the bloody tree over there!" I shouted sarcastically.

"We were just talking. I don't think she's into me anyway,"

"I don't think she's into me either,"

"Man, she talked about you a lot when we were talking,"

"She was?" I blushed with a smile.

"I think she would be a good runner,"

"No you shank! Don't let her know that you think that at least!"


"Because she could get hurt," I whispered.

"She wouldn't get hurt. She would be a better runner than me,"

"No! End of conversation!" I ended as we caught up to Izzy when she was talking to Clint, Keeper of the Med-Jacks. Then we waked to the Homestead to eat lunch.

As we were eating Izzy, Minho, and I just talked and had fun. It was only the second day of Izzy being conscious and I was already falling for her, but she was the only girl in the Glade and all the guys will battle for her. Frypan came and sat next to me and asked everyone how lunch was. Everyone loved it especially Minho since he didn't have lunch in the Maze. For the rest of the day Minho, Izzy, and I kind of just fooled around and had fun. We all ate dinner then talked at the bonfire. We taught Izzy the Glader words like shank, shuck, klunk, and the other ones. We also witnessed a fight between Gally and Ben.

"Why does Gally want to fight random people?" Izzy asked.

"Because he's a slinthead," Minho snickered.

"Gally stop fighting every guy you see!" I shouted to him.

"Then, you wouldn't mind fighting would ay!" Gally shouted back.

"No, I wouldn't mind," I walked over to Gally and got into position. Gally slugged me in the nose really hard before I knew what was going on. He took me down quickly, which embarrassed me especially in front of Izzy. I feel blood flowing from my nose. Minho dragged me away by my feet. I got up and the first thing I saw was Izzy striding towards Gally, "Crap! Izzy don't do it!"

"What the crap, Gally!" Izzy yelled.

"Oh, look at the little princess!" Gally teased. Izzy then punched him in the cheek really hard leaving a bruise. A look of hatred crossed Gally's face as he ran for Izzy, but missing and running into a group of boys. He started looking embarrassed and tried to punch her in the nose but Izzy ducked then slide-tackled Gally. He got up and got punched in the gut. Gally then fell on the ground giving up. Izzy then walked over to Minho and I without a scratch.

"That was awesome!" Minho laughed.

"Thanks, Izzy," I thanked.

"Anytime," she grinned

"I'm tired. I think I'm going to the Homestead to sleep," I yawned.

"I'm tired, too. I'll come with you," Izzy followed up.

"If you're coming, can you help me there? My limp is hurting me more than normal,"

"Of course!" she got up and we put our arms around each other to support the other, and we walked to the Homestead.

She sat me down on my cot, and she hugged me goodnight. She went to her cot and laid down and was asleep in thirty seconds. Then, I drifted off to sleep thinking about Izzy.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now