Chapter 1

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I woke up in complete darkness. I was moving up slowly, and I was completely terrified and started sobbing quietly as I moved through the dark. I wasn't afraid of the dark, but what could be in it.

When I was about twelve or thirteen, my parents let me walk to the movies alone to meet up with my friends. We watched a comedy, but I always hated those types of movies with people who acted like they had the brain of a squirrel, so I left early. When I got out and was walking home I heard something in the dark alley, and as I strained to see I saw a tall, slim figure emerging from the dark quickly. As he came into the dim light of the street light, I saw he was holding a knife in his bloody hand, so I started sprinting down the abandoned back road. I looked back and the guy was gaining on me. I was a really good runner, the best in my school, but this guy was better. He tackled me, and put his knife to my throat. When I looked over I saw a busted pipe there and strained to grab it. The guy asked if I had any money, and I lied and said no still straining to grab the pipe. He knew I was lying. I was always a horrible liar. I finally grasped the pipe with relief, reared back, and knocked the guy over his head with it. He cut my throat a little as he was falling over. I cried out but got up and sprinted away.

I was jerked away from the horrid memory by an intense pain in my shoulder. I lightly touched it and felt the wet sensation of blood on my finger. I was losing blood rapidly. I can't believe I didn't notice the pain till now. Then again, I never really had a problem with pain when I got hurt. I felt my shirt moistening with the blood from the injury. As I felt dizzy, I heard a grinding noise, and saw an opening filled with light widening. I saw someone jump down with a look of concern on his face. Then I slipped into unconsciousness wondering where the crap I was.

I woke up slowly, and looked around. I was lying on a cot in a hut made of tree limbs and stuff like that. I woke with a raging headache, and was starving. How long had I been out? As I thought that question, a boy walked into the room. He looked surprised to see me awake. He came and sat down at the end of the cot.

"How's the shoulder feeling?" the boy asked.

"It feels way better," I replied while touching my no longer hurting shoulder.


After a long pause, I spoke up again, "What is this place? Who are you? How long-"

"Woah, Greenie. I know you're new, but one question at a time, okay?" He cut me off with a smirk.

"Okay... What is this place?"

"We call this place the Glade,"

"Who are you?"

"Oh, Sorry. Name's Newt. What about you?"

"Name's Izzy," I replied mimicking him with a smile. He smiled back as we studied each other. He was muscular, and perfectly built. He had blonde hair that swept across his forehead. The thing I noticed most were his eyes. They were brown and filled with a friendly look. He was a little bit taller than me, and I noticed when he walked in that he had a slight limp. What happened to him where he would have that?

After a very long silence of studying each other, he broke the silence by saying, "Well you're going to be getting the tour tomorrow, so I suggest you sleep,"

"Wait," he stopped walking and looked at me, "How long was I out?"

"A couple days, but I was checking in on you every 10 minutes just to make sure you were still okay,"

"You checked on me," I asked blushing with a smile.

He blushed too as he replied, "Yeah... Get some sleep, Greenie. See you tomorrow." When he left, I did as I was told and drifted back to sleep.

I walked into the door of my house and immediately ran to my room. Someone knocked on my door, and I told them to come in. My brother entered the room. I can't remember his name though or his face clearly. He asked, "How was your movie?"

"It was horrible," I replied. He looked at me with a look of worry, "What's wrong?"

"Is that blood dripping from your neck?"

"Close the door," I commanded, and he did as he was told. I motioned for him to take a seat in my desk chair, which he did also, "I left the movie early. When I was leaving I was attacked by someone in the alley,"

"Wow. Should I tell Mom and Dad?" He questioned.

"No! I don't want them to know. They'll never let me do anything ever again!" I quickly replied.

"How did you get away?"

"I got a busted pipe and hit him in the head with it. That's when I got this cut,"

"Gosh! That looks like it hurts!" He replied with a look of disgust.

"Not that bad... I'm tired, so I think I'll go to sleep," He took the hint then got up and left my room, and I turned off the lights.

I was woken up by a slight shaking. I opened my eyes and saw Newt sitting where he did yesterday. He said, "Hey, you need to go and see Alby for your tour,"

"Can I eat first? I'm starving..." I said groggily.

"Sure. After being asleep for three days I should've guessed you would be hungry." I smiled and followed him as he stood up and left the room.

I saw some food on the table, and Newt motioned to it and I sat down and chowed down. "Man you are hungry! You're eating like a maniac!" Newt chuckled as I kept eating. I finished, and he took me to a dark-skinned boy with a serious look on his face. "Hey, Alby. I'll leave you two to it." Newt smiled at me then walked away.

Alby greeted me, "Hi! I'm Alby. I'm the leader here,"

"I'm Izzy," I greeted.

"Let's get started on the tour. There's the Homestead. That's where we eat and sleep,"

"Will I find out where I sleep after the tour?" I asked.

"Yes, and save the rest of your questions till the end. There's the Garden. There's the Box. That's where the Greenies come from once a month, and where our supplies come from once a week. There's the Deadheads in that corner, and over there's the Bloodhouse"


"You're going to start seeing which job you're best suited for tomorrow,"

"I know you said to hold my questions till the end, but what jobs are there?"

"There are the Builders, the Bricknicks, the Sloppers, the Baggers, the Cooks, the Track-Hoes, the Med-Jacks, the Slicers, and the Runners. You will start with Track-Hoes. Before you ask, Track-Hoes garden. Zart will show you the ropes tomorrow,"

"What about the other jobs?"

"Builders build what needs to be built, Bricknicks repair buildings, Sloppers clean up around the Glade, Baggers deal with the dead bodies, Cooks cook obviously, Slicers butcher the meat, and Runners explore the maze,"

"Okay got it, but what is the Maze?"

"We've been stuck in here for about the last 3 years. The Runners haven't found a way out yet,"


"Any more questions?"


"Okay. Let's find Newt so that you can get your sleeping arrangements." Alby ended as we ran to find Newt.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now