Chapter 3

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I was at school unlocking my locker. A boy came up to me and put his arm around me, "Hey Izzy. Why did you leave the movie early last night?"

I shrugged his arm off and replied, "It was stupid,"

He touched the band-aid on my neck, "What happened to your neck?"


He put his arm around me again and asked, "Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

"No! I already told you! I'm not into you! Stop asking me!" I yelled at him as I took his arm off of my shoulder, slammed my locker shut, and started to storm off.

He grabbed my hand and slammed me up against the lockers. He yelled at me, "Listen to me! I'm the captain of the football team, and you are the captain of the girl's soccer team! Everybody is expecting us to date!"

"No!" I screamed, "I hate you!"

He then pulled out a knife and put it up to my neck, "Izzy, I would hate to use this, but I will if you don't date me!"


He then cut my neck a little, and I cried out. Someone pulled him away from me, and started beating the crap out of him. He said with concern, "Go to the nurse... Now!" I nodded then ran off.

I woke up sweating and cold. I got up off of my cot and started walking out of the homestead. It was still dark outside. I started walking towards the Deadheads when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped because it scared me. "Sorry," I heard a British accent say. I turned around and saw Newt standing there rubbing his eyes groggily. He asked, "Are you okay?"

"I just had a bad dream," I answered getting lost in his eyes.

"Do you need to talk about it?" He was so gentlemanly.

"No. I was just going to the woods to relax, and get the dream off of my mind,"

"Okay, but if you need to talk, I'll be in the Homestead,"

"Thanks, Newt," I smiled. He smiled back as he walked back to the Homestead. I then turned and went to the Deadheads.

I found a nice tree and sat in between two of the roots. I started trying to remember the boys in my memories. It didn't work. I remembered some stuff that happened to me and my name. That's it. I was terrified that someone was going to hold a knife to my throat again sometime soon. I decided to stop thinking about the dreams, and think about my life here so far. Alby seemed kind of hard and serious. Minho was so cool, and he's like my best friend here so far. Newt was my favorite though. He was nice, funny, handsome, and pays attention to me. I don't think that he thinks of me like that though. Then I drifted off to sleep thinking about the awesome guys here.

I woke up the next day to see Alby above me. I was still in the Deadheads in between the two roots I sat in between last night. "Did you sleep well?" Alby asked.

"I guess," I said groggily.

"Good, because you have your first day of work today," Alby helped me to my feet. Alby took me over to a guy named Zart. He was tall with blonde hair. After about 8 minutes of talking to him I could tell he wasn't that bright and was forgetful. For about an hour we weeded the gardens. For the rest of the day, we tilled the dirt for new crops. I could tell that this job wasn't for me, but for the rest of the week I have to do this job. At the end of the day, I ate dinner with Newt, Minho, and Alby. I thought Alby was hard and cold but he really isn't. He talked and was funny. He has a lot of responsibilities which makes him serious at times. Newt barely talked at all, as if he was depressed.

"Hey, let's get the bonfire started!" Minho said as Alby followed, "Are you coming Izzy?"

"I'll catch up to you." I said while looking over at a depressed Newt.

"Okay." Alby said while walking off with Minho.

"What's up?" I asked worried.

"Nothing," Newt mumbled.

I put my hand on top of his and questioned, "Are you sure,"

"No," he admitted.

"What's wrong?"

He took my hand, which made me blush. "Follow me," he commanded. I did as I was told and followed him into the Deadheads.

When we got there, we sat down and he explained, "You weren't the only one that had a bad dream last night,"

"Oh," I said remembering my dream last night.

"About a year ago, I tried to kill myself in the maze. I climbed halfway up one of the buggin' walls, and jumped off but I caught my foot on a piece of ivy and it gave me this limp. Alby came and drug me out of the maze before the doors closed," My mouth had dropped open and tears rolled down my cheeks, "Don't cry, please," I looked over at him and he looked really upset.

"Okay," I said as I wiped the tears off of my face.

"Let's go to the bonfire," he was about to stand up but I grabbed his hand.

"I need to talk about my dream first," I said as Newt sat back down, "I remembered that I got attacked by a man who cut my throat a little, but on accident. Then the next day at school, a boy who liked me did the same thing but cut me on purpose, but then this guy saved me. I can't remember his name or his face,"

"I'm sorry," Newt apologized.

"It's not your fault," I replied.

"I know,"

"Hey, Let's go to the bonfire."

"Okay," Newt agreed. We then stood up and walked to the bonfire to meet up with Minho and Alby.

The Girl, The Guy, and The Tests:  A Newt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now