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"Are you okay? Hello? Hello.? Wake up.." Hajime shakes the shoulders of the passed out girl on the beach

"I don't think she's waking up.." Nagito adds

"Well what do we do?"

Chiaki sees the two boys panicking over a girl she doesn't recognise. Was she in the classroom earlier? She goes up to them. "..What's going on.? Who's that.?"

"We don't know.. she passed out after Usami appeared." Hajime explains, still prodding her

"Hey.? Are you awake?" Chiaki kneels down next to her as well

"We tried that. She isn't waking up." Nagito sighs

"I've watched movies like this before.. do we have to do.. CPR? I don't know how to do CPR." Chiaki suggests

"Isn't CPR for when you're dead or something like that? She just passed out, didn't she?" Hajime says.

"I'll try anyway. We're both girls, right? No harm done."

"What if she's gay?" Nagito adds.

"That doesn't matter. She could be dying!"

"Both of you, shush. We need to wake her up." Hajime says. "CPR isn't gonna wake her up."

"Okay, I have an idea." Chiaki announces, she stands back up and takes a step to the shoreline, she takes a handful of the sea water, and dumps it on the girl's face, nothing happens.

"Hm.. she really is passed out."

"May I try something?" Nagito says, Chiaki and Hajime nod. "Chiaki, hold her ankles really quick." Chiaki, confused, holds onto the girl's ankles.

Nagito grabs her wrists. "Lift on the count of 3. 1.. 2.. 3.!"

They both lift her up off the ground. Nagito gestures to the sea, Chiaki nods, showing she knows what he's planning.

"Wait, what are you guys doi-" Before Hajime can finish, Nagito and Chiaki drop the girl into the water, she jumps a little and coughs as she sits up. "Eurgh.. what.. why am I in the water?" She seems oddly calm for what just happened.

"It worked! Are you okay?" Nagito says

"Who.. are you guys? What is going on?" She asks without much concern in her voice.

"You passed out and nothing was waking you up, so we put you in the water." Chiaki says

She scans her eyes around her surroundings. "Wasn't I just at Hope's Peak Academy?"

"We don't really know what's going on either.. here, you should probably get out of the water.." Chiaki offers a hand, Y/n takes it and stands up, soaking wet.

"Oh! I think I remember something. The classroom, right? With that.. rabbit.. toy.. thing. It scared the hell out of me. Hit my head as a kid and it completely messed up my amygdala.. so.. sorry for the panic. I'm fine."

"..Your what?" Nagito questions.

"Never mind. My brain just turns off when I get scared, usually only for shock factors."

"Is that why you're so calm?"

"I guess so.. no point freaking myself out when I'm completely fine." She shrugs and begins to squeeze the water out of her hair.

"What's your name?" Hajime asks

"Uhm.. Y/n. Ultimate Florist. What about you?"

"Hajime Hinata. I don't remember my talent right now.. sorry."

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now