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Her head spins and her eyes won't focus properly, but all she can see is.. pink? She squeezes her eyes shut to try and focus them, and soon her surroundings start to fade in. It's an unfamiliar place, but she can see everybody else around her beginning to wake up too. The first thing she sees are the strawberries.. all the walls and floors are covered in a light pink strawberry design, there's a small play set which is entirely pink. It's almost painful to look at for too long.

"What the fuck.?" Y/n groans as she lifts herself up off the ground.

"I.. assume that this was the gas's doing.." Gundham says, inspecting the place carefully.

"I see. This must be the interior of the fun house." Nagito nods to himself.

"Welcome! Welcome to the Strawberry House!" Monokuma gleefully announces.

"Isn't this the fun house?" Hajime asks, his hair completely scruffy and messed up from passing out.

"Of course it is! Strawberry House is a part of the fun house! Let me explain.."

Monokuma then explains the layout of the Strawberry House, as much as Y/n tries to follow along, she's lost when he starts explaining the next floor and the Deluxe, Crummy and Standard Rooms. Not to even mention the Final Dead Room.

Once Monokuma looks at everyone's confused faces, he speaks up. "That was wordy and difficult to explain, I'll let you explore Strawberry House with your own two feet. Any questions?"

"Hell yeah we have questions! Obviously!" Kazuichi points at him accusingly.

"Really? What's your question?"

"To bring us to a place like this, what are you planning to make us do this time?" Gundham answers for him.

"Ah, didn't I explain it to you? The motive this time.. an escape game! That's right! There's only one way to escape this closed space.. when the killing begins! I'll let you escape when the killing happens! Good luck!" He quickly disappears.

"W-We can't get out of here until the next killing happens!?" Fuyuhiko exclaims

"I knew this was a trap.. but I never expected it to be so straightforward." Nagito says

"Surely we won't have to kill, right? They got us in here somehow, so there must be an entrance. We just gotta find it." Y/n suggests.

"But.. didn't Monomi teleport us to this island in the first place? Couldn't Monokuma have done that again?" Hajime asks

"Then why would he gas us? Unless he was hiding how we got in?" Y/n adds.

"I don't think he'd let us get out in any way! Damn it! I shouldn't have fallen asleep!" Nekomaru says

"How does gas even work on a robot!?" Kazuichi yells

"Gas shouldn't pose a problem.. but if they activate my sleep mode, I won't stand a chance!"

"Sleep mode?" Akane raises an eyebrow.

"If the Good Night Button on the back of my neck's pressed, I'm forced to enter sleep mode! But I just have to set an alarm in my chest to wake myself up!"

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