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Nobody left had any medical knowledge, none of them even knew how to properly use a med-kit, but luckily Chiaki wasn't too badly injured, she should be alright with rest. Y/n never stopped feeling guilty, she knew something felt wrong but she didn't stop it. She promised nobody else would get hurt, and now..

Through the night that she refused to leave Chiaki's side and held her hand for hours and hours on end while she slept, she got to thinking. Nagito's really planning to do something soon, and she can't let it happen. He could find out who the traitor is himself and murder them, so Y/n has to stop it. As long as none of them are killed.. she'll do anything she has to.

At around 5am, Chiaki groans and starts to sit up. "Ow.."

"..Are you okay?" Y/n asks, not really knowing what else to say.

"..I.. I think so.. just sore."


Chiaki pauses for a second. "I remember now. The explosion."

Y/n sighs and holds her hand again. "I don't want you to worry about what Nagito said. He's just.. I don't know. I'll stop him, I promise."

"..Why didn't you pass out?" Chiaki switches the subject.

Y/n shrugs. "You guys were more important. I'd never have forgave myself if I was passed out while you were hurt under there."

"But what if you were hurt? You were right next to it when it went off.."

"I just have some bruises, I'm all fine."

Chiaki shuffles to the side of the bed and pats it, Y/n lies down next to her so they're facing each other. "I don't wanna lose you." Chiaki says, lying her head on her hands.

Y/n smiles and tucks Chiaki's hair behind her ear. "I'm not going anywhere. When we get out of here, let's move to.. I don't know.. Novoselic. I'm sure Sonia can get us something."

"After our camellia trip, though."

"Of course."

Soon after Chiaki falls asleep, but Y/n can't. Too many thoughts keep poking at her mind. She told her not to worry about Nagito, but he's everything they should all be worrying about. He's out of control. He's already shown he's not scared to hurt people to find out who this stupid traitor is. She knows it isn't him, he's just going too far for it to be him. That means it's someone she cares about and can't let die or come forward. She feels as if she should have the answer.

But she doesn't.

She gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom. She stares in the full length mirror and lifts her shirt just enough to show her ribs, a huge purplish bruise running across her entire side and wrapping around to her chest. She tries to gently touch it, but the moment her fingertips brush it she winces in pain and drops her shirt down. Broken ribs. It's not like Mikan's here, and ribs are supposed to heal on their own, right?


"Chiaki.. I'm really not sure you should be up.." Y/n holds Chiaki around the waist for extra support while she stumbles over past the pool.

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