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She's not sure if it's the tap water, the food, a psychotic break or what happened last night, but somethings wrong. Really wrong. Her stomach churns and feels as if she's gonna vomit from any wrong move, her head pounds and her skin feels like a completely different texture. She's had her fair share of sicknesses, but nothing like this. The overwhelming anxiety that she's either gonna die or is pregnant kicks in immediately. Not sure how the second option would have happened, but that's what the virgin Mary probably thought too, and look where that lead.

She knows she has to find Mikan quickly for reassurance that she's fine or validation that she has a rare deadly disease. Anything. Just something to explain what's going on. She heads up the stairs to the restaurant like everyday, but the feel so much steeper than yesterday, she has to go step by step and practically hug the railing.

She's too tired to understand what's going on inside, Akane is wailing, Nagito is rambling about who knows what and Hajime is stuck in the middle of them, confused as hell.

"Y/n, you have to help I have no idea what's.. wait.. you look sick. Are you alright?" Hajime puts his concerned face on tries to see what's wrong.

"No.. I'm in a lot of pain and I think I'm either gonna vomit or die soon."

"..Not you too.. what the hell is going on.?"

"I think there's a sickness spreading." Y/n says involuntarily, she can't stop herself from saying what she thinks to everything.

"No, Y/n, actually a little man crawled into our ears last night and changed our brains." Nagito says with full confidence.

"My name is Ibuki Mioda. Good morning! I look forward to working with you all today!" Ibuki suddenly walks up the stairs, oddly robotically.

"Be careful, Ibuki! Hajime's dangerous. He wants to kill you and eat you." Nagito blurts out. "You're better off with Y/n. She's no threat."

"Mr. Hajime! I am not tasty! Please do not eat me!" Ibuki salutes while staring straight ahead at nothing.

"H-He's obviously lying!" Hajime defends.

"He called me a threat." Y/n mumbles.

"Akane, Nagito, Ibuki and Y/n are all acting.. so weird! What's going on!?" Hajime says to himself.

"U-Uhm, I think I know the cause.! I-Ibuki's temperature is extremely high, I a-assume the others are too.." Mikan finally arrives, rushing up the stairs as fast as she can.

Hajime goes to touch Y/n's forehead, but quickly takes his hand off. "Ow! It.. burns!?"

"I'm kind of scared I'm about to boil alive from the inside out." Y/n adds.

"So, the reason they're saying all this weird stuff if because of-"

"My goodness! This is bad! Too bad I have to wait for the others to arrive to explain.." Monokuma appears, and just as he says that, there's a group of pounding footsteps hurrying up the stairs. "Ah! Here they are.

Everybody immediately looked confused at what was going on.

"W-What's going on.?" Kazuichi asks.

"Everyone's going crazy. Me too. If I had a gun right now I'd probably shoot someone because I don't understand what's happening." Y/n replies.

"Huh.? What's up with her!?"

"Looks like everyone's here, sooo.. time for the explanation.. the identity of this mysterious fever is.. the new motive! The Despair Disease! There are tiny little bugs living on this island and spread the despair disease-"

"It's a protist." Y/n smiles proudly at herself.

"...Like I was saying.. it's a super annoying disease that gives symptoms full of despair! The symptoms are different based on the person.. Nagito has the Liar Disease, Akane has the Coward Disease, Ibuki has the Gullible Disease and Y/n has the Truth Disease!"

"Oh, they just happened to get symptoms that are opposite their personalities.. except Nagito." Fuyuhiko folds his arms.

"It's true. I have lots of lies stored up, so if you asked me about them now.. boom!" She imitates a little explosion with her hand. "I'm done for!"

"But be careful!" Monokuma just ignores Y/n's running comments. "The disease can spread from person to person just like a cold!"

"Oh no.! Come on Miss Sonia, let's run away so we don't catch the disease from the common folk!" Kazuichi says.

"That's right! Let's run away! I don't want that weird disease!" Hiyoko yelps

"I'm kind of annoyed that I got it, so I feel the need to spread it to others." Y/n says.

"How is this a motive.? Will the murders occur when everyone falls into a crazy state?" Chiaki asks.

"It's quite a novel idea! Imagine the murders that would happen if everyone had an opposite personality!?" Monokuma laughs

"How can we treat it?" Hajime speaks up

"Treat it? Why would you need to treat it? It's a disease designed for starting murders! Puhuhuhu!"

"This disease is amazing!" Nagito announces, a wide smile plastered on his face. "It will bring us so much despair! I love despair! Despair! Despair! Despair! Despair!" His voice behind to slow down, and eventually he collapses onto the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"He reminds me of a bubble bath, but instead it's a dying teenage boy." Y/n smiles.

"W-We need to get everyone to the hospital.!" Mikan calls out. "Y/n, can you lead Ibuki and Akane there?"

"I certainly can, Mikan Tsumiki, Ultimate Nurse!"

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