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Y/n's first class trial goes quicker than she thought it would. The entire time only felt like a countdown to one of her classmates dying, nothing else. There wasn't much she could contribute, which sucked, but it was the truth. So she didn't expect to be called in at all.

"We're missing the obvious here, people! Y/n killed Mahiru!" Kazuichi announces.

"..What?" Y/n says blankly.

"I mean.. it can kinda make sense.. I guess.. not really.." Akane puts on a clear confused face.

"It makes perfect sense! I'll explain.. firstly, we know Y/n is violent and has access to weapons, due to the gun incident."

Ouch. Y/n's not sure when the gun incident got the universal name 'the gun incident', but oh well.

Kazuichi continues, starting to get invested. "And Mahiru was a part in her arrest, so Y/n wanted to get revenge anyway, but after the Hajime incident-"

"Hajime incident? When was that!?" Nekomaru asks.. loudly.

"Is that important right now?" Hajime mumbles.

"I have no idea what he's talking about! Please, do tell!" Ibuki says.

Y/n looks towards Nagito who has the faintest smile on his face. Smug bastard. She looks straight at her shoes while Kazuichi explains the Hajime incident.

"Well, Y/n showed up to the diner in this bright red bikini, and I guess Hajime must've got the hots and I generously made a move on his behalf since he was too shy, but she rejected him, so that probably put her in an already worse mood."

"Not to mention she wanted to be asked out by someone else." Nagito adds happily. At that moment Y/n considering confessing to being the killer just so she and everyone else would be executed.

"Huuh!? Who!?" Hiyoko seems a little too excited, considering her best friend just died.

Even Chiaki's staring at Nagito in anticipation.

"Can't spoil it, can I? That'd just be rude. Kazuichi, continue."

"Well.." Kazuichi scratches his neck. "I guess being wanted by the wrong dude probably set her off even more, so she killed Mahiru and pretended to pass out after 'finding the body', when she really just killed her! It's not like she has a problem with lying, since she definitely isn't a florist."

"..There is so much wrong with what you just said." Y/n stares in disbelief at how stupid what he said was.

"Of course you would say that! I just exposed you! What do you think about my detective skills, Miss Sonia!?"

"..I think you are very incorrect, as Y/n said." Sonia says as politely as she can.

"What!? How!?"

"Well, first of all, how would Y/n get the blood off of her? Second, Mahiru hardly had anything to do with the gun incident, it was mainly Peko and Fuyuhiko. Third, she wasn't upset by the Hajime incident. And finally it's literally impossible to be her, since the body discovery announcement went off when she found the body, meaning she was the third person to see it already." Hajime explains, mostly all in one breath. Kazuichi seems to back down for the rest of the trial after that.

Y/n isn't mentioned again, apart from the odd reference to the gun incident, but eventually everything is revealed, including the Twilight Syndrome mystery and of course, the blackened. Peko Pekoyama. Fuyuhiko even ran straight into the execution for her. Nobody could say anything afterwards.. except..

"It's all going to be alright! This despair is worthless! Even this despair is just a ladder to a bright, shining future! The higher the ladder, the brighter-"

Y/n couldn't care less about her parole or Ibuki-certified criminal record, she just wants him to be quiet, so she walks straight up to him and slaps him across the face mid-way through his speech.

"Shut the fuck up.. jesus.." She mutters while he holds his cheek, but continues smiling widely.

"..That should be a violation of your parole.. but Ibuki will allow it this time.." Ibuki says, slightly quieter than usual.

Not even a moment later, Fuyuhiko is being sent off in an ambulance to be saved. Hopefully.


The next morning feels slightly better, since Y/n's in her own bed and not in jail anymore, so she can try to start fixing things.

Before she even gets up the stairs, she can hear the commotion.

"What's going o-" She immediately notices the monstrosity placed in the restaurant, it's terrifying. It looks like the kind of thing the creepy house from a horror film would keep in the basement, then the child would touch it just to be teleported to the underworld for the mother to search for the child forever and the father to say she's crazy. Sorry. You get the point. "The fuck is that?"

The group continues to insult the.. whatever it is, until Y/n notices Hiyoko. She looks on the verge of tears, and it soon clicks.

'Fix things. Fix things!' Y/n thinks to herself, then clears her throat. "Guys? Actually, I think it's really cute.. I think it's a shrine for Mahiru, right?" She cocks her head in Hiyoko's direction subtly.

"What.? I'm pretty sure it's the opposite.. oh, wait. Oh. Oh! Yeah! It's super sweet.!" Akane grins, then the others start to catch on.

"Hiyoko? Did you make this?" Y/n asks.

She looks around a little before sniffing and nodding. "I'm so clumsy at everything I do.. I just wanted to do something nice.."

"We know, we all think it's really lovely!" Sonia smiles.

"So you won't burn it.?"

"We'd never!" Nekomaru shouts.

"If you'd like, I could pick some flowers and make a bouquet for it." Y/n suggests.

"Yay! Thank you! I forgive you all, except Mikan."

The day began once Monomi revealed she had opened up a new island, everyone decided to explore it separately, so they did. Y/n spent most of the day picking flowers off of cacti, but it was still enjoyable. At the end of the day, everyone visited Fuyuhiko in the hospital, everybody but Hiyoko was glad that he was okay, you can't blame her, since he's the reason Mahiru was killed. Not sure how he'll make up that one.

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