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Yet another countdown, Y/n taps her podium nervously. It's hard to stand there, just waiting to hear if either she's gonna die or one of her friends. And as if it's a repeat of last time, Kazuichi speaks up. "I-I don't mean to be consistent.. but I do genuinely think it could be Y/n this time.."

"You can't just blame me every time!" Y/n complains.

"Uhm.. you were seen alone with the body.." Mikan mumbles under her breath.

"I'm not sure, she did have the truth disease when I asked her what happened, she told me she found Ibuki like that." Hajime explains.

"Couldn't have she been pretending to have it so she could get away with any murder?" Nagito adds.

"Really? Now you're just making things up." Y/n retorts, annoyed that because of one tiny incident with a gun, she's automatically a suspect in every investigation. She never even fired it!

"I-I don't know.. you did seem awfully active and aware.." Mikan looks around nervously. Y/n can't believe what she's hearing. Mikan knew that she had it, she felt her forehead, took her temperature, pointed out all the symptoms other than the speaking. There was no reason to lie about it.. unless she was trying to take attention off of herself, Y/n was an easy target. Already had a history, seen in the wrong place at the wrong time. The more Y/n thought about it, the more started to click.

"Nah.. I don't think she was lying." Fuyuhiko speaks up. "She told me something I don't think she'd ever tell me, unless of course she couldn't help it and had to tell the truth."

"What'd she tell you?" Akane leans forward, eager to find out some gossip.

"Nothing important, just an embarrassing story. As you guys know, we aren't friends or anything, so she wasn't doing it out of free will." Fuyuhiko was covering for her, maybe he felt bad.. or he was actually changing. The old Fuyuhiko would've ratted her out in seconds, probably would've also made some nasty comment on it too.

Now that she's gotten the thought of it being Mikan in her head, she can't seem to shake it. Hajime explains the transmission he saw on the communication device, and Y/n silently thinks to herself as the trial progresses, and soon..

"It was Mikan." She blurts out in the middle of one of Hajime's sentences, everybody turns to look at her.

"Y-You too? Come on.. It's not her! How could she ever kill anyone?" Akane says

"R-Really.. it's not me! I-I'm too much of a clumsy slowpoke to ever kill anyone!" Mikan whines, tears flooding out of her eyes at a very unusual rate.

"It has to be. The rope was frayed." Y/n stares into nothing as she thinks, replaying how it must've gone in her head over and over.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding.." Sonia comments

"The rope must've been new from the supermarket, why would it be frayed if it was just used to hang Ibuki? The killer strangled her."

"What's even the difference!?" Akane yells

"The wounds would be different, wouldn't they? If she was hanged, it'd be one line of mostly bruises, but if she was forcefully strangled, some skin would be torn away and it'd be an uneven marking. Mikan lied to us about the autopsy results, because she killed Ibuki." Y/n explains sternly, refusing to back down. There's no doubt it's Mikan, no matter how much she cries.

"W-Why are you t-trying to get me killed.?" Mikan chokes up while trying to speak through her sobs. "All I wanted.. t-to do was help everyone.. I just made a mistake.!"

"Don't give me that, a blind dog would be able to tell the difference."

"Y-Y/n.. don't you think you're being a little harsh? She could've just looked wrong because of everything that was happening.." Hajime remarks, giving Y/n a look telling her to stop.

"How are you guys falling for this!? There's no way it could be anyone else! Didn't we just prove that she was the only one who could've been in the conference room!?"

"No you didn't.! Y-You don't have any proof at all.." Mikan sniffles

"I think there's plenty proof." Nagito adds.

Which causes a whole other debate, which leads to Mikan being found guilty, of course, nobody expected her whole speech about her 'beloved'. There aren't many words to describe how she was acting.. the only good one is probably.. crazy. Insane. Bonkers, if you please. During her execution, Y/n noticed Chiaki looking particularly distressed, so she inched closer to her and snaked her arm around Chiaki's arm. Chiaki looked at her and mouthed a 'thank you', Y/n only nodded in response. She couldn't help feeling slightly guilty for revealing that Mikan was the killer, but it had to be done. It was her or everyone.

Once the execution was over, Monokuma described a 'surprise' for everyone at the 1st island's beach, one thing lead to another and the group came to the conclusion that Nekomaru had recovered and was waiting for everyone there. Chiaki and Y/n only let go of each other so that they could sprint there to meet him.

He wasn't anywhere to be seen at first, people called out and searched.. until he bellowed out "Gah-hahaha! What happened!? Were you all looking for me!?"

"T-That voice!" Sonia gasps excitedly and clasps her hands together.

They all look towards the voice in anticipation, expecting a healthy.. human Nekomaru to walk out.. and instead there stood an entire metallic robot that only vaguely resembles Nekomaru, it only had his voice. Everybody stared at him in shock.

"What!? You guys don't remember my face, since it's been so long!? That's kinda sad!"

"Uhm, who are you?" Akane asked, standing in a slight defensive position.

"You as well!?" Nekomaru yells

"..Haven't you noticed it.?" Chiaki questions, looking him up and down.

"What? Ohh! This body!? This is nothing! My name is Nekomaru Nidai, and I've been reborn in the rivers of hell!" He laughs loudly, Y/n wonders how he can yell so much and not even get tired, are his vocal cords beefed up too?

Sonia didn't hesitate to let out a scream.

He explains himself and how he's more than happy in this new body, but it doesn't feel right at all.

"Uh.. is this really okay? I mean.. how are you gonna piss like that.? Do you even have organs inside there or was your conscience put in a robot.. or something.?" Y/n scratches her head, her comment earns her a few strange glances.

"Who knows!? I don't care about the dumb details, because Nekomaru Nidai is reborn!"

"Do you still have a-"

"Anyways, I'm glad. As long as Nekomaru's alive and with us, right?" Chiaki adds, and there's a few mumbles of agreement.

Y/n's practically left behind any hope of understanding what's going on on this island. Still nobody explained how they got here in the first place. Well.. there'd be one theory that could explain it all perfectly, but Y/n's no theorist. At least not right here. And the theory is.. impossible.


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