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"The only person that would have been able to get under the table, attack Y/n and then kill Byakuya.. was you.." Hajime points his finger across the room. "Nagito."

There's only one space empty in the trial room, a space for Y/n. Monokuma let her off this once, since she was physically unable to, but forced Mikan to come.

"H-Huh.? Me.?" Nagito looks taken aback

"It all adds up. You made Y/n come back into the dining hall so you could try to kill her, isn't that right? But Byakuya must've stopped you, so you killed him instead." Hajime explains

"I-I didn't..! I would never!" Nagito says

"Just admit it!" Teruteru shouts

"..." Nagito suddenly goes silent

"So now you're just gonna go quiet? You hurt Y/n and killed Byakuya! I'll beat you up!" Akane says loudly

"..." Nagito pauses.. before starting to sweat, and grip his hair tightly.. then starts to laugh.. like a maniac  "Ahahahahaha! It was me.! I set up the A/C, I used the cord to get to the knife, I tried to kill Y/n, I murdered Byakuya!"

"Is he laughing!? He's totally crazy!" Ibuki shouts

"What.? What's wrong with you!? This isn't funny.!" Mahiru says

"Why? You were my friend.. You were Y/n's friend.!" Hajime says

"I did it.. for the sake of hope!"


"Hope! Think of it like this, the more despair I can cause, the better. Because the Ultimates will overcome that despair, and reach a bright and shining hope!"

"Why her.?" Chiaki asks

"Oh, no important reason.. I thought the blackout would knock her out instantly, but I guess I was wrong! We all make mistakes, right!?"

"W-Wait.! S-Somethings wrong.!" Mikan speaks up, squeezing tightly on her podium out of fear.

"What is it you pigshit!? We're in the middle of important stuff right now!" Hiyoko yells

"Eeek! I-I'm soorrry!"

"Mikan, what is it?" Sonia asks more politely

"T-The stab wounds on Byakuya were t-too small to be a knife.. compared to Y/n's.. it's c-clearly a different weapon.."

The trial continues, completely taking a turn for the worst. Nagito is crazy, but he isn't the culprit.. not this time anyway.

Teruteru ends up being the blackened, and he is executed rather brutally.

"Hey, Hajime!" Chiaki runs to meet Hajime as he turns around. "I was gonna go and check on Y/n, do you wanna come?"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks. We do have to.. catch her up on everything."

They arrive at Mikan's cottage and Hajime goes to knock on the door, but sees that it's open a crack. He exchanges a nervous glance with Chiaki and pushes the door open, letting it swing and reveal a panicked Mikan, she's scrambling around the entire room. But one thing's missing — Y/n. The bed has bright blood stains on it and there's various medical supplies littered about, but she's gone.

"Mikan.? Where's Y/n?" Hajime asks, suspiciously.

"I-I don't know.! I-I'm sorry! I'm so so s-sorry! S-She wasn't here w-when I got here! I'm sorry!"

"It's alright, I'll.. I'll look for her.. you two stay here until I bring her back." Chiaki calls, Hajime nods and begins to try and calm Mikan down.

Meanwhile, Y/n sits back against a scratchy palm tree, her shoes half sunken into the sand and her fingers kneading through the grains rhythmically while listens to the waves brushing against the wet patches of sand over and over. It's nice, the quiet, until it's interrupted by a voice from above.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Nagito smiles and leans on the tree as well, but standing with his hands in his pockets.

"After Mikan left, I started feeling better.. but I couldn't find anyone. So I came here."

"..Are you sure.?"

"Mhm, the wound wasn't even that deep. I'll be fine." She takes her hand out of the sand and brushes it off on her leg. "You find out who did it?"

"..You won't like the answer."

"Well, I didn't like getting stabbed.. but look where we are."

He sighs. "The others are gonna tell you anyway, it was me. I did it."

Y/n pauses for a second, then looks back down and out to the shore. "Oh."

Nagito waits for more of an answer of for her to get up and run away, many shout at him or try and kill him herself, but she doesn't. She acts like she doesn't care at all.

"Y/n.?" He asks, as if for confirmation that she heard what he said.

"Were you trying to kill me?"

"..I suppose I planned to.. just couldn't follow through with it properly." He shrugs.

"Is that supposed to make it better.? The fact you even thought about killing me is just.. I was nothing but nice to you. Is that what being kind gets you on this island? Then I'm done. So you can fuck off."

"Y/n.!" They both turn to Chiaki running towards them. "Nagito.. you.. you shouldn't be here." She pants and glares at Nagito.

"I was just leaving." He gives Y/n one last blank look, then calmly strolls off, leaving Chiaki and Y/n alone.

"Y/n, we're so sorry for leaving you.. we-" Chiaki doesn't get to finish her sentence before Y/n stands up off the sand and shoves her hands in her pockets, walking off.

"What.. where are you going!?" Chiaki yells after her.

"I'm not doing this anymore. I'm fucking done. On my second night here, someone already wants me dead. I guess I'm doing something wrong."

"Y/n.. please don't go.. you're my best friend. Only friend."

"There's plenty of others on this stupid island, find another best friend."

"..What.? Do.. I not mean anything to you?" Chiaki's eyes start to glimmer from tears, her face scrunching up trying not to start crying.

"It's been a few days.. you'll survive." Y/n goes to walk away, but remembers something and turns around. She opens her backpack and drops Chiaki's coat on the floor. "You forgot this."

And with that, she heads straight to the airport.

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