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The next day is similar to the last, everyone meets at the restaurant this time, and Byakuya announces that there'll be a party tonight. Y/n is still extremely tired, so she just lays her head on the the table, sitting opposite from Chiaki, and half asleep.

"Y/n.. Y/n.. wake up." Chiaki shakes her shoulder, Y/n mumbles and looks up.

"I'm tired.. let me sleep."

"We're drawing sticks on who has to clean the old hotel building. Do you want me to take one for you?"

"You're a life saver.." Y/n says quietly, then puts her head back down and closes her eyes.

Chiaki takes two sticks, both of them are clean.

Nagito has the stick with the red mark.

Everyone continues to plan the party. It seems like a good idea..


A totally good idea..


Y/n sleeps most of the day, or when she's not sleeping, she spends it with Chiaki.

And then.. it finally comes time for the party.

Y/n goes up to the old hotel building. She's greeted in there by Byakuya.

"Hi. I know I'm a little late.. sorry."

"It's fine. I need to do a bodycheck on you before you go in."

"..A what?"

"A bodycheck. To make sure you haven't brung any weapons or dangerous items."

Y/n shrugs and puts her arms up, he pats her down and gives her the all clear to go in. Grateful she hid her coat in the airplane early on.

She goes in, everyone except Fuyuhiko is there.

"Hey, what took you so long? Ibuki was just about to go looking for you!" Ibuki says loudly

"Sorry.. lost track of time. Anyway, did I miss anything?"

"Peko was just going to go to the storage room to guard the weapons, and Chiaki was going outside to guard the door for Monokuma." Mahiru explains

"Chiaki? Are you sure that's.. you know.. safe?" Y/n says

"If anything happens.. I'll just run as fast as I can." Chiaki says

"..Would you mind if I joined you?"

"Of course not." Chiaki smiles. "We'll go now. Have fun everyone."

Y/n and Chiaki go outside together.

They sit down on the ground and stay silent for a bit.

"This whole.. situation is so unbelievable. I keep thinking it's a nightmare and I'll wake up anytime soon." Chiaki says sadly. "Do you think that a.. you know.. a murder will actually happen?"

"Should I be completely honest?" Y/n turns to Chiaki, she nods. "Yes. I do. But I promise I won't let it be you. Ever."

"Same here.. when do you think it'll happen?"

"Soon. This party makes me nervous though, it's a disaster waiting to happen."

"I guess we should just hope everyone is safe."


As soon as Y/n says that, the door opens, Nagito sticks his head out. "Ah, am I interrupting? Sorry. But Y/n, I need you to come fix something. It'll only take a second."

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