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"Shh! She's waking up!"

"Ah! Quick! Places, everyone!"

"Hey! I was gonna go there!"

"Move it, ugly pig!"

"Everyone shut up!"

"Nobody move.!"

She groans and feels as if her body doubled in weight, or something's pulling her downwards. She just rolls over and lets her head sink into the pillow, until she starts to remember where she last was. She quickly sits up, not seeing her cottage, the warehouse floor or even the afterlife, but a hospital room. The hospital on the third island? Did it look like this before? Is she really alive? Just as she's about to get off the bed, Kazuichi jumps out from under the bed, along with a bunch of other people from various corners of the room. "Surprise!"

Y/n shrieks and punches him in the face, he stumbles backwards and holds his face. "Seriously!? Ow!"

"Shit, I'm so-" She turns and looks towards her classmates in the room. Her dead classmates. Everyone. Teruteru smiling widely, Mahiru with her hand on Hiyoko's shoulder, pulling her away from Mikan. Peko and Fuyuhiko standing happily together. Ibuki, Gundham, Nekomaru.. everyone. Y/n stares at them all silently, no expression on her face, her brain not catching up with her eyes.

"..Well.? Surprise.!" Hajime does some pathetic jazz hands.

"I.. what.. what the fuck!? Is this.. am I.. huh!?" She yells, shuffling backwards in bed.

"We're back! Nobody can get rid of the almighty Ibuki Mioda!" Ibuki laughs obnoxiously.

"Did.. did I dream all that.?" She rubs her head as if it'll suddenly give her all the answers.

"Well.. kinda. But I also guess it did happen.. I don't know. Honestly, I'm still confused." Mahiru shrugs.

"Can someone explain what the fuck is going on!? How are you guys alive!? How am I alive!? I got impaled by a whole fucking spear! I don't even have a scar!"

"Heh, sorry about that." Nagito chuckles.

"It's.. uh.. there's no easy way to explain. It might take a while to sink in." Peko says gently.

"I am freaking out right now, so I don't care how it sounds, just tell me what's going on!"

"I'll explain." Chiaki walks up to the bed and sits on the end. She sighs. "Where do I start?"


The others left a while ago to give Y/n and Chiaki some space while she processes.. everything.

"And Kyoko's wife was also part of the killing school life, she was a toxicologist, but her poison experiences didn't exactly go too great, so she turned to making antidotes instead. Turns out she isn't.. the best at that. She accidentally gave you a sedative.. and now we're here." Chiaki exhales after speaking for a very long time, trying not to forget anything to the story.

(yes that was a reference to my other fanfic go read it if you haven't)

Y/n can't think of anything to say, other than. "Oh."

"Yeah.. it's a.. lot." Chiaki chuckles slightly. "But, you're feeling better, right? Let's get some air."

Y/n nods and they both walk out of the hospital. The entire city looks like it's in shambles, but only pockets of it where it looks habitable.. Future Foundation bases.

Y/n and Chiaki sit next to each other on the cold ground, staring out into the real world. "So.. you were the traitor, huh?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. I wanted to."

"I know. It's okay. I'm happy."

"You're happy.?" Chiaki looks at her, Y/n turning her head too.

"Everyone's alive. We're all together, of course I'm happy. I'm really happy." She smiles. "All that matters is that we're okay."

Chiaki smiles too and leans into her, but just before they kiss, something falls in between them. Y/n pulls away to look down in her lap and picks up a light pink petal. "..Is this.?" She looks up to see where the petal came from. "Holy shit, Chiaki, look!"

Chiaki looks up too. "Is that what I think it is?"

"A Camellia bush." There's a green bush climbing it's way up the building, detailed pink flowers blooming all over it.

"Hey, guys! We're all leaving, you comin'?" Akane yells from the group, everyone standing together, ready to go.

Chiaki and Y/n exchange a look.

"Ladies first." Y/n chuckles.


thank you sm for reading! pls pls pls feel free to leave any (NICE) feedback, if there's anything you all think i should change or do instead next time, pls let me know, since i just wanna make the best stories i can for you all (((((: i love you guys!!!!! bye!

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