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Hajime's bed wasn't all that bad, the only bad thing about the room was the random Monokumas he has stacked up on a podium as if it were a shrine, a little odd, but each to their own.

Y/n peeked out the window when she woke up, she saw some people walk by every now and then, but nothing exciting. That's the reality of the situation. Prison sucks. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime and all that shit. The clock seems to tick by painfully slow, there is absolutely nothing to do in there, she hasn't had any human interaction in hours, she's hungry, paranoid.. everything.

Scratch off the hungry part, Y/n feels instant relief as she hears a key click into the lock outside. She sits on the floor and leans against the bed, watching as Mahiru places a tray of food on the ground next to her.

"How much longer do I have to stay in here?" Y/n asks as she begins to pick at her food.

"Well, we haven't exactly nailed the whole jail system yet. Nagito's tied up in the old hotel building, so that's why you couldn't go in there. We're gonna have a discussion about you tomorrow morning."

"Good to know I'm not the only inmate on this island." She mutters under her breath, luckily Mahiru didn't hear, or else she might've gotten a stern telling off.

"Oh, and you have a visitor." She quickly steps back out and closes the door behind her, not much longer later and it opens again, for a second, Y/n hopes with all her heart that it's Chiaki. Ever since the night on the beach, a guilt's been eating up at Y/n, but she couldn't bring herself to admit she messed up and now it's too late, since Chiaki's now refusing to talk to her.

"Hey.." Hajime awkwardly steps in.


"How are you holding up?"

"Pretty shit. It sucks in here, no offence."

"None taken." He lightly chuckles. "Everything feels a little odd without you and Nagito around.. well.. the old you and Nagito. Chiaki's started to act strangely."

"..Hajime, does Chiaki hate me?" Y/n picks at her fingernails.

"Hate you.? She misses you. All she does is silently play video games, she thinks you hate her."

Y/n groans and brings her knees up to her face. "I fucked up so badly. I was so angry at everything and I took it out on her, now I can't tell her how I.. I can't tell her that I'm sorry. I lost my chance by being such a fucking idiot."

Hajime clearly doesn't know what to say, but he kneels down and pats her shoulder. "I'll.. I'll talk to everyone tomorrow, tell them that it was just a dumb mistake. Okay?"

Y/n nods. "Okay. Thank you."

Hajime smiles sympathetically and leaves the room, leaving Y/n alone to rot away from bordness for the rest of the day.


Hajime slightly dreaded the next day, and so naturally it came by super quickly. He decided to just get it over with and hurry up. He headed straight for the restaurant, where everyone else was already waiting. And like the previous day, Chiaki was sat in the corner, clicking away at some video game.

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