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Y/n's eyes started to feel heavy all the time, she had hardly any energy to even walk, let alone try to keep everyone in check, but she has to. After a long night of lying in the hallway, exhausted but unable to sleep, 7 reaches. She knocks on everyone's door and waits for people to start stepping outside.

"Is.. it earlier than usual.?" Hajime groans, rubbing his eyes.

"Monokuma made me, he said that he had an announcement in the grape tower. I don't have a good feeling about it." Y/n explains.

"Announcement? What do you think it's about?" Chiaki asks.

"He's probably gonna add some stupid new rule that makes it harder for us.. might have to take myself up on the hand offer.." She sighs, then shakes her head. "Let's just see what it is, we can work out something afterwards."

They all walk over to the grape tower, well, walked is an exaggeration. More like wobbled over to the grape tower. Every step felt heavier and heavier, as if they were dragging along hundreds of pounds of weight.

All the boys were already there, Monokuma standing in front of the crowd. Nobody bothered to say hi to each other, everyone was just too drained of energy.. except Monokuma, of course.

"Well! Hello everyone! You're all looking.. horrible. You might be wondering why I gathered you here so early.. and it's because I'm pissed off! Nobody's killing each other.. and it's gonna be hard to now you have some dumb 'leader' running around all day and all night. So, I'm here to fix that issue and give you all a new motive. Would Y/n L/n please come to the front!?"

She stood still for a moment while everybody turned to look at her, but she went up anyway. Her heart started racing and felt as if her guts were tied up in a knot. But she stood there, in front of everyone, Monokuma next to her.

"I'll get straight to the point here.. the Y/n L/n you know and love.. is a liar. All your old doubts that you stupidly left behind were very much true! She's a liar and a fraud.. so.. as a generous gift, here is her real student file!" He pulls out a black file from behind his back and throws it straight out into the audience, Y/n can't even react, she just watches in horror as Hajime picks up the student file and the others go around him to read it too.

"You guys.. please.. it's not-" Y/n stumbles on her words, trying to keep the tears pushing at her eyes contained.

"Ultimate.. Bounty Hunter?" Hajime reads out and looks back up to Y/n.

"So she was lying all along!?" Kazuichi exclaims, suddenly getting enough energy to be outraged.

"Is this true? You really lied to us.. for all this time." Akane scoffs.

She has nothing to say.. there's nothing she can say to fix this situation at all. They all see her as a liar and a killer. She just puts her head down and rushes out of the tower and away from everyone else.

"Wow. I guess our friend we trusted to protect us was.. just a fraud." Nagito shakes his head.

"Ta-daaa! Did you like it!? Good! Because I'm not finished! As you all know, I'm a reasonable guy. I understand how angry you must be with her.. soooo.! If any of you kill Y/n, I'll give you extra help in hiding the evidence! No Monokuma File, no clues, no nothing! Practically a free pass! Puhuhuhu!" Monokuma laughs and quickly vanishes, leaving the group all alone.

"I.. don't know what to say.." Fuyuhiko mutters. "I was really starting to think that.. she was a good guy."

"..Maybe she still is." Chiaki says.

"..I know you guys are friends.. but is this really excusable!?" Nekomaru says

Chiaki sighs. "But she's been doing so much to protect us lately, she hardly hesitated in giving up her room, she's stayed up all night, made sure everyone was safe during the day.. she even offered to cut her own hand off to feed us all. I think she's trying to make it up to us."

"Or trying to obtain our trust so she can betray us in the end." Gundham comments

"..I really don't know what to do." Hajime rubs his forehead. "We did really need a leader.."

"There isn't much to do now.. we might have to be extra careful now that she's not looking out for us.." Nagito says ominously.


Nobody saw Y/n for the rest of the day. Nobody wanted to. It had only been a day, but people were trying to forget about her.

She hid under one of the staircases, was this it? Was everything over? All the friendships she had built. It sucked to admit, but she loved everyone here.

That's why at night she came out from her hiding spot and snuck back up to the floor with the guest rooms, making sure everyone was in bed. She sat in the same spot as before, watching.

"I thought you'd come back here." She hears a voice from above, and sees Chiaki. She doesn't say anything to her, she just watches as Chiaki sits next to her and leans her back against the green wall. "You wanna keep everyone safe. Even if they hate you."

"..Just because they hate me doesn't mean I want them to die."

"So.. Ultimate Bounty Hunter, huh?" Chiaki looks into her eyes.

"Not anymore. I really am a florist.. I just wasn't good enough at that to be an Ultimate. I was only good at.. shooting at people.."

"What made you want to become a florist?" Chiaki asks, not showing any judgement in her voice. Just asking like a normal question.

"You know how I said I hit my head as a child and the fear part of my brain went weird?" Y/n says, and Chiaki nods. "That was half true. It happened on a mission. It was just some.. stupid girl who liked making stupid conspiracy theories. I chased her down a hallway and she somehow managed to lock a door with a shoelace. I couldn't open it no matter how hard I tried.. she didn't call the police.. she called a rival gang of mine. They beat me up pretty badly, it was sort of a wake up call, I guess."

"..And ever since then, you've tried to change?"

"Yep. And it was going.. so well.." The tears start to kick in and Y/n quickly wipes her eyes and looks away, but Chiaki holds her cheek and gently pulls her face back to face her.

"You aren't the Ultimate Bounty Hunter. She isn't you. You're the Ultimate Florist.. and the best president ever." She chuckles, Y/n laughs a little through her tears.

She isn't sure if it's the hunger, the emotion or Chiaki herself making her not think straight. But there's just something.. about her. They both stare at each other for a moment, their faces inches away from each other. Y/n leans in closer and kisses her. The pit in her stomach that just wouldn't go starts to melt away, everything melts away. For those few seconds, everything is fine.

Once they pull away, Chiaki holds onto Y/n's hand. "We'll find a way to fix this. Together. Okay?"

Y/n nods, her smile trembling from her tears. "Okay."

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