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Chiaki waits outside Y/n cottage for ages, knocking every so often, but nothing.

"Chiaki? What are you doing?" Hajime asks as he walks past, on his way to the restaurant.

"Y/n said to meet her here but she never showed up.. I looked in her window and she's not in there. I'm worried." Chiaki bites her nail.

"She might've just forgotten and gone straight to the restaurant, don't panic." Hajime says reassuringly, but Chiaki only doubtfully nods and follows him.

Inside they find Akane and Nagito fighting, they all put a stop to it pretty quickly.

"Where's Y/n?" Chiaki sternly asks Nagito as he stands up.

"Y/n? I don't know, I haven't seen her."

"No.. something's wrong.. she would come and tell me first if she was going somewhere." Chiaki scratches her arm nervously, constantly looking around the room.

"Chiaki, I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just looking for the bombs." Fuyuhiko says.

"She's probably found them by now, since I decided to move them." Nagito smirks.

They waste no time on interrogating him and splitting up to search each island, saying they'll search for Y/n if she doesn't show up by herself.

Hajime gets the job of searching the 4th island, and there's no bombs or Y/ns to be found. Finally when Fuyuhiko meets Hajime and says he's found the bombs at the plushie factory on the final island, things start to kick off.

Once everyone but Sonia is outside the factory, Chiaki's the first one to say anything. "Did any of you see Y/n?"

"We can't focus on that right now! We need to stop the bombs.!" Fuyuhiko exclaims, already started to inch towards the factory.


"Chiaki, there's no time. We'll find her afterwards."


They all rush inside to see a truck next to the conveyor belt, a huge pile of bombs stacked up in the back, the engine roaring and a card reader and a laptop beside it.

"Kazuichi!? C-Can't you disable them!? You're good at that stuff!" Akane steps back from the bomb, as if that one step could mean either life or death.

"I thought I could.. b-but the engines acting as the detonator.. when it runs out of fuel it'll blow.."

"I don't care! Can you disarm it or not!?" Akane snaps.

"It's impossible.. I don't have enough time!"

"So there's nothing we can do!?" She holds her head in her hands.

"..There has to be something.. he's probably trying to get us to do something, knowing him." Chiaki scans her eyes around the room. "Look, try that." She points towards a laptop sitting on the conveyer belt.

Hajime goes up to it and presses a random button, a small electronic jingle sounds and a video immediately starts to play, showing Nagito's face on the screen. "Why hello everyone. Great work. So, you really found the bombs, huh? Now then, all you need to do is stop it. To tell the truth, it's really not hard to do. I've even got a surprise for you afterwards."

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now