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The entire atmosphere felt shifted. Nobody had anything good to say that morning. Hajime seemed to be the last of those who could be bothered to arrive for breakfast to arrive.

"Hajime.. good morning.." Mahiru mumbles, clearly not wanting to say it.

"Huh? You guys don't look too good.. you look like you just attended two funerals in a row.!" Hiyoko says so innocently, yet with the cruelest intentions. She then went on to rant about how Teruteru deserved to die, and how relieved she was because of it. Maybe it was just her coping mechanism, but still.

"Uhm.. anyway.. what happened to Y/n and Nagito.? Isn't it a little odd that neither of them are here.? C-Considering what happened and all.." Mikan mutters.

"Now that you mention it.. it is kinda worrying." Hajime adds.

"Last night, Y/n wasn't herself.. I was going to talk to her this morning.." Chiaki says while frowning slightly.

"Wasn't herself?" Peko repeats. "Do you mean angry? Is there a chance she could be trying to take revenge on Nagito?"

"Well.. I don't think you have to worry about that." Kazuichi says smugly.

"Yep! Everyone's safe and sound!" Nekomaru booms with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"..What'd you guys do?" Mahiru squints at them suspiciously.

"Nothing! It's not important! Don't ya guys think finding the runaway Y/n is more important that focusing on that freak?" Kazuichi says.

"True, he is a cursed child. Destined to rein mayhem upon this mortal world." Gundham states.

After Monomi reveals that she managed to defeat one of the monobeasts, everyone decided to scatter for the day and search the new island that opened up. Not just for a way to escape, but to see if Y/n is anywhere near by.

And after almost a full day of searching.. she isn't. Nobody can seem to find her or Nagito anywhere. By nighttime, there's a lot of doubts and worries that one of them could be dead.. maybe both. Who knows?

It's slightly relieving for Chiaki when Monokuma makes an announcement to meet at Jabberwock park, she doesn't know how she could sleep through the night while Y/n and Nagito are missing. She makes her way over and is greeted by a very disappointed Akane, a curry-less Akane.

"What's going on?"

All eyes turn to Y/n as she walks up to the group rather calmly.

"Y/n! Thank god you're okay.. we were so worried.!" Sonia sighs in relief, gently placing a hand on her chest.

"I.. just needed some space. Sorry." She's clearly uncomfortable, but her attention shifts to something in the corner. "Is that an arcade game?"

"It is.! What games are on it?" Chiaki excitedly goes up to the machine.

"Just one, but a very good one, since it's my own creation! A sequel to the famous game.. Twilight Syndrome Murder Case!" Monokuma announces proudly.

"Ah, this game. The first came out in 1996, it's about a group of high school girls who explore various different urban legends to verify them. Man, I really liked the series, I feel like you'll ruin it now." Chiaki continues.

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