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"Hey, are you awake?" Chiaki whispers

"..What happened?" Y/n mumbles, rubbing her eyes and lifting her head off the pillow.

"You passed out.. again."

"That wasn't a dream, was it?"

Chiaki knows what she means. Monokuma. "No.. I'm sorry. It's real."

"What time is it?" Y/n looks outside the window, it's dark. "Wait, where am I?"

"It's a little after 1 am. And we're in my cottage, at the hotel."

"Oh.. I've been sleeping in your bed.? Sorry. You don't have to sacrifice your stuff for me. It's okay, really. I don't mind." Y/n sighs

"It's only one night. I usually go days at a time without sleeping."

"Really? That's definitely not healthy."

"I'm alive, right?"

"Hardly, by the sounds of it." Y/n laughs, causing Chiaki to laugh too. It's fun for a while, until the memories begin to kick in. The thought replays in her head over and over, Chiaki seems to notice her discomfort but before she gets the chance to say anything, Y/n excuses herself. "I'll.. uhm.. I'll get going." She quickly flashes an insincere smile and hurries out the cottage before Chiaki can say anything. Embarrassment starts to eat away at her, passing out in front of that many people, people she's just met..

"Guess I'll die." She mumbles in embarrassment as she makes her way to her room.

"Haha, probably not the time to be saying that." She hears a voice next to her, it catches her off guard and she screams. It's Nagito. He covers her mouth with his hand to stop her screaming. "Don't scream! Someone might think I'm trying to kill you or something!" He whispers/shouts.

She takes his hand off. "Sorry.. what are you doing out here?"

"I was taking a walk, what are you doing?"

"I was sleeping in Chiaki's bed and I finally woke up, so I didn't want to bother her anymore."

Nagito stares at her for a second. "Right. Okay then. Goodnight." He smiles and walks away. Y/n goes to the cottage that has a little pixel picture of her on the mailbox



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Y/n looks outside, it's light. First night at this place, gone great. (Absolutely not)

She decides to change into a clean uniform, then goes to the restaurant to get some breakfast. Some people are there already, Chiaki, Nagito, Hajime, Byakuya, Sonia, Kazuichi, Hiyoko and a few others.

"Y/n! Are you feeling alright?" Sonia asks as soon as she walks in.

"You don't have to worry, it happens all the time." She yawns and walks up to the table Chiaki is sitting at alone. "Can I sit here?" Chiaki nods.

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now