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Another day of.. nothing, it's nighttime. When the days are like this, it's hard to not expect something horrible to happen soon, like it's lurking around the corner and already getting ready to strike. But for now, nothing's happening. Fuyuhiko is recovering in the hospital with Mikan and that's about it. The only interesting part of Y/n's day is when Hajime randomly knocks on her cottage door or somehow tracks her down on the island to hang out.

It reaches nighttime, and just as Y/n's about to get into bed, there's a knock on her door. Ibuki.

"Hiya hiya hiya! Ibuki is in the cottage!" She squeals, pushing through into the cottage.

"What's going on?"

"Well, Ibuki doesn't understand either.. but it looks like everyone was sent an invitation.." She sheepishly pulls out an invitation card, apparently for Fuyuhiko's recovery. At 9.00 in Titty Typhoon.

"Is this from Monokuma?" Y/n asks while inspecting it.

"How dare you, Hajime said the exact same thing.. where are people's manners these days!?"

Ibuki definitely made these, but there's no harm in playing along.

"Hm, these are strange, but I'm excited. I'll see you then." She puts on her best acting voice, which isn't very good, but Ibuki's still convinced, which makes her very happy.

"I have to make some last minute preparations, bye!"

Y/n waves her off and notices it's almost 9, so she heads off now.

Outside in the car park is Nagito, Y/n catches up to him. "You're an asshole, you know. Since this is for a good cause, I'm not gonna argue with you in there, so I'm doing it out here. What is wrong with you?"

"Ah.. I was wondering when you'd come and talk to me about that.." He chuckles nervously.

"Why the fuck would you say that!? Are you gonna tell everyone or not, don't be all mysterious and make it a game for them! Don't just randomly go around saying 'Not to mention she wanted to be asked out by someone else'. Do you know what they've been trying to do the last few days!? I have seen the lists! They don't know that it's a girl, so they're using process of elimination to guess who I like.. they think I like Fuyuhiko! Fucking Fuyuhiko!"

"..Are you done?"

"..Yes. We will finish this later, but right now, we are friends. Got it?"

"Whatever you say."

At that, they both walk in at the same time, saying hi to everyone, especially Fuyuhiko.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to be here?" Y/n asks nervously, looking to Mikan a little too.

"I'm fine, really. You guys went to all this trouble to throw this, there's no way I wouldn't come." At first, Y/n doesn't even recognise him, the old Fuyuhiko would've rather died than come to something like this, it's good to know he's making an effort.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and the colourful stage lights flicked on, revealing the one and only Ibuki Mioda walking onto stage. "Hey y'all! It's Ibuki Miodaaaa! Thanks for coming! I may not look like it, but people always tell me I'm the nurturing type, so I'm gonna do my best to cheer you all up! I'll start with this first song, 'From Me to You too'!"

For a moment Y/n thinks it might be a love song.. until the screaming. She thinks her eardrums might actually explode from how loud it is, at one point in the middle of the song she swears she feels blood in her ears. It's almost like all the air's been squished out of the room and just replaced with the sound of Ibuki's guitar and her screams. There's still echoes of the song left over in her ears when it ends. "Thank you everyone!"

"S-Such an overwhelmingly baleful resonance! Even my Four Dark Devas of Destruction look less lively than usual!" Gundham says, his hamsters looking exhausted lying on his arms and shoulders.

"I too have chills!" Sonia gasps.

"Alright folks! Our next lineup is a ballad that totally fits the mood! Grab a partner and slow dance to 'I Squeezed Out The Baby But I Have No Idea Who The Father Is'!"

"No more!" Kazuichi sobs.

"W-What's going on in here?" Monomi suddenly appears from nowhere, looking pretty upset. "A party? I wasn't invited?"

"Of course not, you'd ruin it!" Hiyoko giggles.

"N-Now is not the time for a party! A-Akane is duelling Monokuma!"

"What!? No.. that fool! No.. as a team manager, I should have known this was going to happen and kept an eye on her! We must go!" Nekomaru doesn't waste any time, he just sprints at full speed out the door and to the beach everyone first arrived at, all the others follow along behind him, just much slower.

When Y/n arrives, she sees Akane kneeling down and panting, holding her stomach like she's injured. "Dammit! Why can't I even graze you with my attacks!?"

"Because we're on completely different levels! Puhuhuhu! You'll never win!"

"Shit, you guys stay back! I'll take it from here! This is Nekomaru Nidai's final firework! Make sure you're watching!" Nekomaru booms, then without hesitation, jumps in front of the shot Monokuma fires at a Akane. For a second, everything turns white. Y/n doesn't have any grasp of what happened until the same ambulance that saved Fuyuhiko takes in Nekomaru.

Everybody went to their cottages silently.

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now