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Y/n wasn't there when the group split up, but she knows that Fuyuhiko, Hajime and Mikan all stayed behind for those infected with the despair disease.

It's about 8.30 PM. Practically everyone but Y/n in the hospital is sleeping. She decides to just get up and walk around, the walls are pretty dull, the floors are dull, any decorations are dull. It's not nice. She just wanders aimlessly around the halls, until she gets to the staircase which lead to the lobby. Inside are a few chairs, a counter and lots of posters.

"What are you doing up?" Fuyuhiko asks while he sits in one of the plastic waiting room chairs.

"The room was boring." She shrugs and also sits in one of the chairs.

"Well.. you should really be resting."

"Yeah, but I don't want to. I don't like how the walls looked. I felt like they were mocking me."

"..Is this how you actually think? Seriously?"

"Yes. Most of the time. This disease is actually quite freeing, I can say what I really think and have always wanted to say, but I am worried about spilling any secrets."

He pauses and looks down to the floor. "Sort of wish I had it. People would believe me when I actually told them I was sorry."

"..I wish that someone else was here so I could say how I actually feel." She sighs. "The one time this could be useful."

"..That person Nagito was talking about?"


"Just get it over with once you're better and tell him. I'd do anything to go back and tell Peko."

"It's not a guy. It's Chiaki." Now that she'd said it out loud, it felt a lot more real and a lot scarier.

"Tell her then."

There's a frantic knock on the hospital door and pounding footsteps followed after it, sounds the same as when someone ding dong ditches you. Fuyuhiko walks up to the door and opens it.

"Hey Fuyuhiko! I made it so we can communicate!" Kazuichi yells and waves from practically the edge of the island, there's a small speaker device and a screen on the floor in front of the door.

"Oh. Right!" Fuyuhiko shouts back while picking up the machine.

"Go get Hajime so we can test it out! The light should flash when we're calling!"

"Okay! I got it!" He shuts the door and brings the machine over to the counter. "Can you get Hajime while I try and figure out how to turn this thing on?"

"I don't know where he is."

"Upstairs in the on-call room. If he's sleeping just wake him up."

Y/n nods. "I'll go do that now." She starts to walk up the stairs and as she walks down the corridor, she stares at all the doors, looking for the right one, she has to go up an extra floor to find it, but she does. It wasn't a long journey, but it made her tired. The slippers aren't good for walking in and it's quite weird walking around in nothing but a hospital gown with so many people around.

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now