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Once Hajime arrives at the restaurant, Kazuichi doesn't hesitate to begin plotting. "Now that we've all finished eating, we need to talk about our plan to capture Nagito that we'll carry out today."

Hajime's about to protest that he hasn't even sat down yet, but Sonia speaks instead. "Are you really going to do it?"

"Of course! I spent all night coming up with this plan!" He complains. "I haven't slept for two days straight, that must count for something, right?"

"We get it, hurry up and spill this plan of yours." Fuyuhiko says.

"Before I get started.. Y/n, can I please be commander? Since I came up with it.."

Y/n thinks for a moment. "Depends what the plan is."

"Well.. one of us will be a decoy who lured Nagito  into the lobby by telling him we need to talk to him there, then at the best possible moment, the two task force members will move in and swiftly capture him. So! That's the plan! What do you think?"

She doesn't think it's the best plan, especially since he said he was up all night thinking of it, but the worst case scenario is that he slips away, so it'll do. "Alright. But! I still have overruling power if you do something dumb."

"Fine by me! I'll assign all the roles now.. the task force members will be Fuyuhiko and Akane."

"Yep! Cool." Akane continues to eat, throwing up a thumbs up his way.

"Tch.. got no choice.." Fuyuhiko mumbles.

"And.. the person burdened with the core of the plan, aka the decoy.. is Chiaki Nanami!"

"Huh? No way." Chiaki shakes her head.

"I-It's gonna be fine.. it's not like you gotta tie him up, you just gotta lure him.." Kazuichi scratches his neck, subconsciously checking Y/n's reaction.

"Why doesn't Hajime do it? Nagito's obsessed with him." Y/n suggests.

"What?" Hajime coughs.

"No! If it's Hajime, he'll suspect it's a plan!"

Y/n silently scans her brain for a solution. She really doesn't want Chiaki to do it, and it's not like he'll do it himself or let Sonia do it. So.. "I can do it."

"But.. you guys hate each other.. is he really gonna agree to meeting you alone?" Fuyuhiko asks.

"Y/n, it's fine. I'll just do it." Chiaki says.

"..Are you sure? Because if you-"

"Okay. Enough of this, seriously, what is up with you guys!?" Akane drops her plate back into the table. "You've been acting different ever since the fun house, so what is it!?"

Y/n and Chiaki exchange a glance. Y/n chuckles. "Oh.. nothing.. just two gals being pals." Chiaki laughs too.

"They're dating." Fuyuhiko rolls his eyes.

"Aw! Come on! What a fun killer.."

"Since when!?" Kazuichi exclaims.

Chiaki Nanami x fem! reader ˚ ༘♡ ⋆Where stories live. Discover now