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Y/n and Chiaki didn't realise how much they missed the friendship, so they began to spend as much time together as possible. They agreed to meet up every morning before breakfast, do everything together after breakfast.. basically the only time they'd be apart is nighttime. Y/n wanted to be near Chiaki as much as she could, but it still hurt a little, since it was likely Chiaki wanted to spend time with her for a completely different reason. Oh, and not to mention the movie from yesterday. She can't get it off of her mind.

The cool morning air did relax her slightly while she waited for Chiaki by the pool, and of course they walked into the restaurant together, ate breakfast and the day went on.

During breakfast, the topic of 'World Ender' or the 'Future Foundation' comes up. Even though it's an important topic, Y/n doesn't really want to talk about it. It's just another worry to pile on top, once she's off this island and there's no threat of her being murdered, it feels better to talk about.

"But, what we should be most concerned about, as it relates to Future Foundation.. is the traitor hiding among us.. I wonder who it is.." Nagito says, scanning his eyes around the room to look at everyone as if he'll figure it out right away.

"Y/n and Nagito are obviously the most suspicious though!" Kazuichi says, causing Y/n to roll her eyes.

"Even a childish organisation blathering about ending the world wouldn't accept someone like me, and I don't think Y/n's the traitor.. she's just a  little messed up, I mean, aren't we all?" Nagito adds.

"Then.. who do you think's the most suspicious?" Fuyuhiko asks.

"I nominate Hajime!" He grins.

Hajime pauses "..Huh?"

"Well.. isn't it normal to doubt the most unlikely candidate? Not only that, you're the only one who doesn't know what talent he possesses, if we're basing this on an outsider hiding in a group of Ultimates, Hajime should be doubted."

Y/n doesn't exactly agree with Nagito, but it is nice for the blame to be taken off her for once and onto someone who should probably have been questioned long ago about his talent.

"Then.. Hajime's the traitor!?" Kazuichi looks disapprovingly towards Hajime.

"O-Of course not.! What are you even saying!?" Hajime defends.

"You shouldn't raise your voice like that. We might get more suspicious of you, you know." Nagito sighs.

"Well.. he could just be hiding his real talent, why would he be the only one who doesn't remember?" Y/n shrugs.

"Seriously!? You too?" Hajime exclaims.

"Enough! Stop fighting!" Sonia commands, holding her palm out to everyone.

"Don't you think fighting with ourselves is Monokuma's trap!?" Nekomaru shouts

"..Still think Hajime's suspicious." Y/n mumbles.


The 4th island is.. definitely something. Bright colours, rainbows, balloons, roller coasters, even a huge castle. Y/n was never one to voluntarily go on a massive thrill ride, considering every time she did she passed out while it would be slowly ascending from the panic. The photos afterwards were always the most humiliating things ever.

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