TRAILER 16 - Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

Revised Texts by KiddoIsTheBest

(I don't own anything, I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


Tim Goodman -  Oscar Pine

Detective Pikachu -  Ozpin (voice)

Lucy Stevens  -  Ruby Rose

Hideo Yoshida  -  Taiyang Xiao Long

Kiddo yawned, "All right. Who's ready for the next one?"

"Me!" Ruby answered first, followed by others.

"Okay..." Kiddo yawned again. "Prepare your mind to be filled with cutesy on this one."

"Cutesy? What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked.

Kiddo yawned, "You'll... see..."

'He's getting sleepy. I didn't think a god like him to feel exhausted.' Ozpin said in thought.

'So despite being a god, he still have some human characteristics,' Salem stated in thought. 'Can he be killed? But I shouldn't try that or I'll meet my impending doom.'

"Begin..." Kiddo pressed the remote as he tries to stay awake.

The trailer began by showing Oscar's back as he walked out from under a bridge into a plaza filled with people and Pokémon coexisting peacefully and going about their normal lives.

"Welcome to Rym City." A voice over a speaker said.

Everyone was dumbstruck when they saw the city filled with humans living in peace with the strange creatures that they have never seen before in Remnant.

"What...?!" Ruby shouted with her eyes sparklingly after seeing the cute creatures.

"Huh?... ooookay..." Cinder rubbed her eyes as she thought she was hallucinating.

"They looked so cute and amazing!" Summer squealed as everyone covered their ears.

"I know right, mom?!" Ruby agreed, shouting along with her mother while everyone was annoyed by their constant screaming until Kiddo silenced them because they woke him up.

Weiss gasped, "Thank... Oum..."

Ozpin coughed for attention, "What're those creatures, Mr. Author?"

All eyes were on Kiddo as they wait for his explanation. Kiddo rubbed his eyes and drank his chocolate milk before he explained.

"Those... are Pokémon... which is short for Pocket Monsters," Kiddo answered as he yawned loudly which made some worried of his condition. "In that universe, humans and faunus alike lived with these Pokémon. They are creatures with various abilities that helped that universe's everyday life, from house works to battles."

The others couldn't comprehend the explanation of the strange but cute creatures, even Salem found them cuter than her Grimms. She wondered whether they could be captured.

"How many of these... Pokémon there are?" Robyn curiously asked.

Kiddo tapped his foot while thinking and yawned before he answered, "I think... around 898 and counting. There are just a lot."

Cinder scoffed, "How strong are these 'totally not cute' creatures?"

Kiddo chuckled that the fact Cinder tried to avoid insulting the pocket monsters. He yawned again before he answered.

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