TRAILER 3 - Now You See Me

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Trailer Texts by KyleAngilus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a highschool student who loves writing.)


Danny Atlas / The Lover  -  Jaune Arc

Merritt McKinney / The Hermit  -  Roman Torchwick

Henley Reeves / The High Priestess  -  Velvet Scarletina

Jack Wilder / Death  -  Neptune Vasilias

Dylan Rhodes / The Fool  -  Qrow Branwen

Alma Dray  -  Winter Schnee

Thaddeus Bradley  -  Ozpin

Arthur Tressler  -  Peter Port

Étienne Forcier  -  Jacques Schnee

"Before we start, I'll add four more in the gang." Bill announced as he snapped his fingers and a portal opened as Jacques Schnee, Willow Schnee, and Whitley Schnee fell through the portal.

"Mom?! Dad?! Whitley?!" Weiss and Winter shouted in shock.

"Jacques Schnee!!!" Adam shouted in anger while Sienna and the White Fang growled at him.

"Where... are...?" Whitley's words were cut off by his father.

"I demand to know where we are!" Jacques demanded.

"Please calm down, dear." Willow said quietly.

Jacques snickered, "You dare command me woman?!"

Jacques was approaching her, but a blue armor grabbed him by the neck from the back.

"Is that...?" Ozpin asked and Qrow nodded.

"That's old Nick. How the hell is he alive?" Qrow said then everyone stared at Bill who was praising himself and they were convinced.

"You little weasel dare to touch my daughter?! I can snap your neck right now!" Nicholas said in anger while Adam, Seinna, and the White Fang enjoyed the show.

Jacques looked at him in fear while Willow pushed her father away.

"Father, please. He's not worth it." Willow cried.

"Oh come on!" Adam said as he wanted Nicholas to end Jacques' life right there and then.

"Now this is entertainment." Mercury said as he ate Emerald's popcorn.

Emerald slapped his face, "Don't... touch... my popcorn!"

"Nicholas calm down!" Ozpin demanded.

"Enough already!" Glynda exclaimed.

"Bill do something!" Weiss and Winter pleaded.

Bill sighed and snapped his fingers. Jacques was teleported on the very corner of the seat with Cardin while he was wrapped in chains. Cardin moved a little away to avoid contact with the wild man.

"Now that's done. Welcome Schnee Family!" Bill said as the Schnee Family focused their attention to him.

"What... are you?" Whitley asked.

"The name's-"

"Cipher, Bill Cipher!" Everyone besides the newcomers said and laughed.

Bill growled, "Hey! I was suppose to do that!"

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