MUSIC VIDEO 1 - 🎵 Killer on the Floor 🎵 (Among Us)

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Scene Texts by:

Revised Texts by:

{~ I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student who loves writing~}


Green / The Unlucky - Ruby Rose

Blue / The Imposter - Adam Taurus

Cyan / The Security Camper - Weiss Schnee

Yellow / The Imposter - Yang Xiao Long

Brown / The Task Master - Pyrrha Nikos

Orange / The Meeting Caller - Cardin Winchester

Pink / The Coward - Velvet Scarlatina

Black / The Follower - Mercury Black

Lime / The Paranoid - Illia Amitola

Red / The Silent - Neopolitan

Chorus Singer - Sun Wukong

"Killer!? On a space musical!? Exciting!" Nora yelled.

"Please don't turn into a second Tyrian." Hazel begged.

"I would've been excited for the murder if it wasn't some musical bullcrap." Tyrian said. "This is going to be childish."

"I don't know. I fancy myself musicals, especially the classics." Roman said. "Don't you, Neo?"

Neo nodded as she raised a sign, 'I agree.'

"Keep quiet, everyone. We're going to watch... now." Kiddo pressed the button.

🎵 There's a killer, there's a killer, there's a killer on the floor, there's a killer, there's a killer, there's a killer on the floor 🎵

A low voice sang as a spaceship was shown and title card!


Ruby tilted her head, "Among Us? What is 'Among Us'?"

"It's an online multiplayer social deduction game." Kiddo answered. "It's basically a murder mystery where astronauts will deduce who is the imposter."

"Oooh~ that sounds interesting. I wonder who's going to be the killer then." Ruby said excitedly.

"I bet it's gonna be me!" Nora proclaimed herself to be the killer.

Ren sighed, "Why are you so proud about that?"

Willow stared at the deity with a concerned expression, "Is it wise to show them about murder, Sir Kiddo? I know they're Huntsman and Huntress trainees, but they're still children."

Kiddo chuckled, "Don't worry, Ms. Schnee. This type of murder mystery won't harm their innocence... if they still have it in the first place."

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