TRAILER 12 - Thor

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

(I don't own anything, I'm just a high school student)


Thor Odinson / The Almighty Thor - Nora Valkyrie

Loki Odinson - Roman Torchwick

Odin Allfather - Li Ren

Heimdall - Sage Ayana

Jane Foster - Lie Ren

Darcy Lewis - Arrastra Skye

Phil Coulson - Clover Ebi

The death gazes from Mercury was still ongoing. Mercury hopes that the next universe would start already. Kiddo was amused of this treatment as it cured his sleepiness.

"Who is excited to see something marvelous?" Kiddo said which made everyone jumped in joy from the hint.

"We're going back to the Marvel Universe?! Heck yeah!" Ruby said.

"I wonder who is it going to be," Yang said. "So far, we have Iron Man, Captain Atlas, and The Incredible Hulk."

"I can't wait either!" Nora said, jumping around her seat much to Ren's annoyance.

"Before we start, I'm going to add more people." Kiddo said as he snaps his fingers.

A portal opened from ceiling as two individuals fell from it. It was an old woman with goggle-like prosthetic eye and a woman with tanned skin. Oscar recognizes the old woman and Ironwood recognizes the other one.

"Maria?" Oscar said.

"Robyn?" Ironwood said.

Maria gets up with a grunt, "What in the world is going on?!"

"Where am I?" Robyn asked before she turns her head towards Kiddo. "Who are you?!"

"Greetings, my name is 'The Author' but you can call me Kiddo," Kiddo bows in respect. "Welcome to Bill's Multiverse Cinema were everyone gets to see the alternate versions of themselves in this giant flat TV screen."

"What...?" Maria was confused.

"Are you saying that Multiverse is real? Impossible!" Robyn refused to believe the nonsense.

"It's true, Miss Hill. We have witnessed countless other worlds with different versions of us." Ironwood said.

"General? You believe this guy's nonsense?" Robyn said. "And what kind of the title is 'The Author'?"

"Look, you can tell that I'm not lying because of your Semblance," Kiddo said. "Your Lie Detection Semblance. What I said about the Multiverse is true."

Robyn was shock when she couldn't sense any lies from the boy's mouth. She refused to believe the concept of infinite universes exists. Maria, however, didn't care as she was relief to see someone she knew.

"Did you get here before me, kid?" Maria asked.

Oscar scratches his head, "Well... I technically already arrived here a few days ago."

Maria was shock, "But you were with me in that aircraft a second ago."

"Time works different here," Oscar stated. "And the fact that Mr. Author froze the time in our world."

"That's impossible!" Robyn asked.

"It's not. I'm not lying," Kiddo said which surprises Robyn yet again, "Look, they will tell you everything about this place. Just sit down and enjoy the show."

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