TRAILER 1 - Wonder Woman

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a normal, highschool student who loves writing.)


Diana Prince / Wonder Woman - Pyrrha Nikos

Steve Trevor - Jaune Arc

Sameer - Cardin Winchester

Charlie - Nora Valkyrie

Chief Napi - Sun Wukong

Eric Lundendorff - James Ironwood

Elena Anaya / Doctor Poison - Illia Amitola

Hippolyta - Sienna Kahn

The next day, everyone has eaten their breakfast that they found waiting for them on the cafeteria which was bigger than Beacon's or Haven's. After their delicious meal, they waited for Bill. They couldn't anything to the villains and the villains couldn't do anything to the heroes since they'll anger Bill who was way more powerful than any of them combined, even Salem. Speaking of Bill, a portal opened in the lobby as Bill, Summer, and Amber stepped out; Summer was immediately engulfed in a hug by her family which she gladly return.

"Where are the other two?" Ozpin curiously asked.

"Them? They are currently waiting for you guys! Who is ready?" Bill asked as the students immediately raised their hands particularly Ruby and Nora. Bill chuckles at their excitement.

Bill snapped his fingers as trays of cookies, popcorns, and drinks (alcohol for Qrow) appeared in everyone's hands, everyone was shocked and looked at Bill.

"What? It's not a movie theater without a snack." He said as he was holding his own tray floating towards the room with Amber following behind.

Ozpin wondered if Amber's rebellious personality changed when she had a near death experience or probably Bill manipulated it so she won't fear Cinder who was staring at Amber like a prey. As they entered the room, the door closed and disappeared which gave some a fright.

Cinder sighed, "There's going back now." He said calmly.

"Indeed." Ozpin concluded as he continued walking.

They soon entered the room and some were impressed while Salem looked at Bill and Amber who were chatting at the top row. After their conversation, Bill floated in front of them.

"Sit wherever you like, and if you needed to use the bathroom just give me a call, alright?" Everyone replied with a 'yeah'.

Team RWBY, Team CFVY, Team SSSN, Illia, Penny, and Zwei sat on the near screen. Salem and her group sat at the back near Bill while Cinder's group sat in the middle. Cardin sat alone in the corner seat while the teachers, Ghira, Kali, and Taiyang sat at one near side of the students. Raven and Vernal sat on the middle along with Adam, Sienna, and the White Fang.

Bill floated in front of them with a microphone in his remote in his hand, he cleared his throat and fixed his bow tie, "Ladies and gentlemen. As I said last night, we are going to watch a lot of trailers or scenes to clench my boredom, so try to have fun while you are here. Any questions before we proceed?"

Raven raised her hand, "Bill, why are those animals here but my people aren't?"

"Hey!" Adam growled at Raven's comment.

Bill sighed, "It's because I needed to fill the seats. Don't worry as I'm planning to expand the room so more people can join in the future. Satisfied?" Bill said as Raven nodded satisfied with his answer.

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