SCENE 1 - The Other Side (The Greatest Showman)

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Scene Texts by ZongWeiTan9

(I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


P.T. Barnum  -  Ozpin

Philip Carlyle  -  Sun Wukong

The bartender  -  Junior Xiong

Lettie Lutz  -  Sienna Kahn

Anne Wheeler  -  Blake Belladonna

"Do you guys remember where Ozpin runs a circus?" Bill asked.

The students got excited while Glynda blushes, remembering that she and Ozpin were married and had two daughters which were Weiss and Yang.

"What about it?" Ozpin asked, wished to avoid further embarrassment.

"I'm going to show you the scene where Ozpin recruited Sun for his show." Bill said.

Sun looked intrigued, "So how was I recruited?"

Bill chuckled, "Let's say... it involves singing and whiskey."

Qrow was drooling over the mention of the whiskey. The audience, however, had a thought in their mind.

"Ozpin can sing?!" they said.

Ozpin felt insulted since he used to sing millennia ago. The group then looked at Sun.

"Sun can sing as well?!" they said.

"This guy? I'm not sure. He once sing and had a voice crack." Neptune said while Scarlet and Sage were laughing at the embarrassing memory of their leader.

"Hey! Don't reveal my secret!" Sun exclaimed.

"Sorry, team leader." Neptune said with a smirk.

Everyone prepared themselves to witness the musical recruitment.

"3... 2... 1..." Bill finished as he pressed the remote.

The scene opens with Ozpin and Sun in a bar with Junior as the bartender.

"It looks like you're here, boss." Militia and Melanie said in unison.

"I finally appeared, huh." Junior said.

Ozpin says to Sun, "You might just find yourself a free man."

Both drink the whiskey they have then Ozpin starts singing,

Right here, right now
I put the offer out
I don't want to chase you down
I know you see it
You run with me
And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

The cast were amazed by Ozpin's singing skills especially Salem who haven't heard him sing in millennial.

"Damn, Oz." Qrow said with a smirk.

Ozpin taps the bar table and Junior tosses him a whiskey bottle. He slams down a coin then pours them both another drink.

Qrow felt envious since his recruitment wasn't brilliant as this. Team STRQ looked at him with a smirk.

"If it weren't for your semblance, little brother, you might've been recruited like this." Raven said mockingly with a smirk while Qrow scoffed and sipped a drink.

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