TRAILER 22 - Sonic the Hedgehog

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Scene Texts by:

{~ I don't own anything. I'm just a college student who loves writing~}


Sonic the Hedgehog - Neptune Vasilias

Ivo Robotnik / Dr. Eggman - Arthur Watts

Tom Wachowski - Jaune Arc

Maddie Wachowski - Pyrrha Nikos

Ozzie - Zwei

Agent Stone - Shay D. Mann

The Bar Girl - Fiona


"The Fastest Thing Alive?" Vernal was confused by the epithet. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Are you saying that the main character of this trailer isn't human or something like that?" Weiss asked curiously.

"Well, you could say that." Kiddo answered. "And no, it's not a monster. It's an ani-y'know what! You'll just see it!"

"Oooh! I can't wait for the trailer!" Ruby couldn't contain her enthusiasm and excitement. "It feels like we've been waiting to watch this trailer for 10 months!"

Kiddo winked at the readers, "I suppose from a certain perspective."

"I wonder who's going to be the main character in this universe." Kali asked curiously. "I certainly hope it's me."

Ghera chuckled from his wife's sarcasm, "We shall see."

"Alright, it's showtime." Kiddo said before pressing the button.

The scene begins with a blue blur running across checkered grass. The location was a kind of tropical island with palm trees and beaches.

"I'm Sonic." The unknown narrator introduced himself.

A blue anthropomorphic hedgehog was in a starting position while smiling at the screen.

"A little ball of super energy."

The anthropomorphic hedgehog then ran on the loop de loop before drifting in a cool and awesome position.

"In an extremely handsome package."

The entire cast were baffled by the unexpected main character of this universe. They now understand what Kiddo meant by "The Fastest Thing Alive". It's an anthropomorphic hedgehog! They didn't see that coming!

"Huh, a hedgehog. I honestly didn't expect that." Jaune said. He honestly reminded me of Detective Pikachu."

"And is that my buddy Neptune's voice!? You're a hedgehog in this universe, pal!" Sun teased yet complimented his friend.

"His name is Sonic in this one. What a badass name you have." Scarlet complimented him.

Neptune blushed from embarrassment, "Thanks, guys, though I don't how I feel about me being a hedgehog."

"Are you kidding you!? You look so cute and adorable!" Ruby complimented him. "And you have super speed! This hedgehog has super speed!"

'Interesting. What kind of a humanoid creature is he? He would make a fine test subject.' Arthur is interested in experimenting with the hedgehog's biology.

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