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(I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)

In another universe, there was a void. There were no stars, no moon, no sun, nor even a planet or habitants. It was all empty until a flash of light exploded, creating everything. It was all created by an entity.

The entity who calls himself "Bill Cipher" then created a large cinema that resembles a Disney Castle instead of a planet. He kept snapping his fingers until the finishing touches of exterior were done. The theater-castle was gold like the Asgardian Castle.

"Magnifico! My creation hath done! That bratty fairy, Cosmo, will now see my magnificent theatre!"

He went inside and decorated the place with a snap of his finger. He then prepared some food on the table for the guests. He went on the second floor to create the bedrooms for girls and boys.

"What else was I missing?" Bill asked himself.

He went to every floors until everything was finished. He then laughs mischievously after looking at his marvelous creation. He then almost cry as he was proud of what he created.

"And now... for the guests," Bill said as he look at different dimensions through his clipboard. "I have been interested in this dimension for a while."

The clipboard disappeared as he threw it on the air. He stretched his arm and laughed maniacally once again as he was excited for his creation to come alive.

"RWBY Universe... here I come." Bill flick finger and left with an evil laugh.


Beacon Academy, Team RWBY's Dorm

It was night at Beacon Academy. Ruby and Yang, on their sleeping pajamas, were endlessly talking about their kill count of the Grimms they killed today while Blake was reading a book to ease her boredom as Yang was boasting about how she killed the Nevermore with two shotgun blasts of her gaunlets, Ember Celica which they were all uninterested since she has been saying the same thing 10 times.

Weiss covered her head with a pillow to avoid their meaningless talk and attempted to sleep. After 10 minutes of talking, they finally all went to bed until a glowing pyramid appeared and shined on their room.

"Greetings, Humans and Faunus!" He shouted. "Oh, it's the main characters of this dimension."

"Who are...?" Ruby asked him with caution.

"Whoever you are! Don't you dare touch my sister nor my friends!" Yang said and demanded while putting her Ember Celica on both of her arms, ready for a fight.

Bill cleared his throat before he speaks, "The name's Bill Cipher," he said. "And has anyone taught you manners, young lady?"

"Young la-?!" Ruby jumped in front of Yang before she could finish her sentence.

"Sorry, Yang is just being... well... Yang. Anyway, my name is Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY. Who... or what are you?"

Bill chuckled "What a delightful girl you are! You might be even the most kindest teenager I have ever met... unlike your sister over there."

Ruby blushed who was slightly embarrassed from his compliment, "Uh... thanks for the compliment, I guess?"

Yang scoffed as she had her combat arms up. Blake and Weiss were slowly grabbing their weapon, Myrtenaster and Gambol Shroud, while Bill was distracted.

"Anyway, I'll keep it short... I came from a different universe."

They were all confused from his words.

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