SCENE 2 - Iron Man vs. Iron Monger + Ending (Iron Man)

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Scene Texts by ZongWeiTan9

(I don't own anything. I'm just a highschool student who loves writing.)


Tony Stark / Iron Man - Oscar Pine

Pepper Potts - Ruby Rose

James Rhodes - Neptune Vasilias

Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger - Jacques Schnee

Phil Coulson - Clover Ebi

Nick Fury - James Ironwood

The cast were refreshing their minds since they couldn't believe what they witnessed in the last scene. Neptune rapidly hits Sun, who didn't flinched, for hiding his talent.

Salem showed a sad expression as she missed the old days of her and Ozpin, as Ozpin does the same. Adam was gritting his teeth at Sun while Sienna sighed and hoped he doesn't do anything reckless.

"What's the name of your song, Sun?!" Nora asked excitedly.

"It's a secret." Sun said and looks at Blake.

Yang snickered, "Lovebirds."

"Professor, will you sing for the Vytal Festival?" Ruby asked.

Ozpin chuckled, "Heavens no, I quite have a sore throat, Miss Rose."

"Are you sure? I sometimes heard you sing quietly on your office." Oobleck said as Ozpin spat his coffee.

Ruby's eyes were sparkling as she wanted to hear Ozpin singing, so does the rest of the students. Salem secretly wants to hear it as well.

"How can you hear me if I was silent?" Ozpin asked.

"I don't know." Oobleck said, looked away innocent.

Bill clapped and everyone turned to him. He cleared his throat and tapped on his microphone, "This next one will be interesting."

Ruby raised her hand but Bill stopped her with a giant stop sign, "No questions, you'll just have to see it for yourself."

Ruby frowned while Summer, Taiyang, and Yang hugged her for comfort.

"Wasn't that a bit rude?" Amber asked.

Bill sighed, "If I let her keep doing that, it might become a hobby for her."

Bill then pressed the remote as he floated back to his seat.

The scene opens with several cars are seen stopping in front of the Stark Industries Research and Development Building. Ruby, Agent Coulson, and several other agents get out of the car.

"Is that Clover Ebi?" James said, surprised to see the leader of Ace Ops.

Qrow burped, "Who's that?"

"He's the leader of Ace Ops in Atlas. He's semblance is quite the opposite of yours." James said.

Qrow was surprised that there was someone that has the opposite effect of his Misfortune semblance.

Ruby uses her key card to open the facility's door, letting them in. They walk past the prototype Arc Reactor.

"Section 16," Ruby says to herself, looking for the door to Section 16.

"Oh right, I'm Oscar's assistant. Wait... is this Iron Man one?" Ruby asked and Bill nodded.

"You look good in black dress, Miss Rose." Oscar complimented.

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