TRAILER 4 - Iron Man

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Trailer Texts by KyleAngilus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a highschool student who loves writing.)


Tony Stark / Iron Man  -  Oscar Pine

James Rhodes  -  Neptune Vasilias

Pepper Potts  -  Ruby Rose

J.A.R.V.I.S.  -  Penny Polledina

Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger  -  Jacques Schnee

"Now, before I start. Let me explain of this universe. It is called the Marvel Universe, it is the home of the superhuman beings and legends who can never be beaten easily by mere mortals." Bill said as everyone were interested in the universe.

"Superhuman beings like...?" Ruby gasped and the group knew what she thought.

"SUPERHEROES!!!" Ruby and the group shouted and Bill nodded.

"Yes, the Marvel Universe is the home of heroes."

The students were excited to this universe while the teachers were interested.

"The home of villains."

The villains were interested, Tyrian cannot wait to witness bloodshed while Salem rolled her eyes uninterested.

"The home... of Gods."

They were shocked when the Gods were mentioned. They forgot that Bill mentioned that there were Gods of the Multiverse last night. Salem was suddenly interested on seeing the Gods.

"And intergalactic species." Bill finished.

They didn't knew what he meant by that word but were excited nonetheless.

"We're all in it?" Ruby asked.

"Yes! So get ready to blow, your, mind." Bill said in a demonic voice which made everyone shudder than excited.

"Mhm. I wonder kind of hero I am?" Roman said as he stroke his chin.

"You? A hero?" Emerald chuckled and started laughing which angered Roman.

Bill snapped his fingers as the food and drinks were refilled. The duct tape on Jacques' mouth was remove and he was exhausted.

"You... monster!" Jacques said angrily while Bill ignored him and went back to his seat.

Bill eats a popcorn and pressed the remote.


Military trucks were the first to be shown as they drove in a line through a desert like area. The camera then panned to Oscar wearing a suit and black sunglasses in one of the trucks, holding a cup of whiskey and surrounded by soldiers.

"Whoa, Oscar looks different here..." Jaune said as Oscar nodded.

"Yeah, he looks... older." Nora stated.

"This Oscar is in his 40's." Bill said as he chugs a barrel of alcohol while Qrow begged for one.

"No ones allowed to talk is that it?" Oscar asked as a soldier looked at him then looked down.

"You can't talk?"

"No, you intimidate them." A female soldier who was driving the truck said.

"Good Oum, you're a woman." Oscar said and the whole truck began laughing.

Some laughed at the joke. They never knew Oscar could be so charming.

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