TRAILER 5 - Pirates of the Caribbean: Cursed of the Black Pearl

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Trailer Texts by KyleAngilus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


Jack Sparrow - Mercury Black

Will Turner - Neptune Vasilias

Elizabeth Swan - Weiss Schnee

Barbossa - Roman Torchwick

James Norrington - Jaune Arc

Pintel - Emerald Sustrai

Ragetti - Cinder Fall

The cast settled down after their potty break. Bill refilled their food and drinking while the group were talking about Iron Man as Oscar hid his face using his hands. Ozpin narrowed his eyes and looked at him and felt like he knew him. Oscar received a slight headache but shrugs it off.

"These universes are crazy, but interesting." Glynda said.

Ozpin chuckled, "It was... something."

"What did you think Raven?" Vernal asked.

"It was ridiculous, but entertaining. I have yet to appear, and so do you, Vernal." Raven said and Vernal nodded.

Bill cleared his throat, "Okay, is everybody ready?" everyone nodded.

"What is going to be about?" Ruby asked gleefully.

"One word: Pirates." everyone widened their eyes as the criminals were excited to see this universe.

"Uh... pirates?" Weiss asked in confusion.

"As in swashbuckling, treasure hunting, buccaneers?" Ruby asked excitedly.

Raven smiled, "This is interesting."

"I'm so excited!" Summer shouted.

"Nice. I have never seen a pirate in my life." Oscar said excitedly.

"I have seen them before though they went extinct. I guess they still exist in other universes." Ozpin said with a chuckle.

James sighed and sarcastically said, "Yeah, watching ancient criminals. I'm excited."

"I know!" Emerald said excitedly. "Do I appear in it? I'm dying to know!"

"Let's begin." Bill said and he pressed the remote before floating back to his seat.

The trailer started by showing a moonlit night sky but then it darkened to a grainy old color soon showing a ship sailing on an ocean. The camera switched to show a younger child version of Weiss Schnee as she took a coin necklace from a younger child version of Neptune Vasilias with someone's voice in the background ominously saying:

"You don't know what this is, do ya?"

The coin itself had a smiling skull with patterns and symbols around it.

"Weiss, you look so cute as a child!" Ruby said cheerfully.

"This is the second time I have seen her as a child." Yang stated.

Weiss turned red in embarrassment.

"When was the first time?" Willow and Whitley asked.

Nora chuckled, "In The Greatest Show, she and Yang were the children of Ozpin and Glynda."

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