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As cast the arrive at the MTC Hall, they split off into groups. The students went to the cafeteria with their parents and the teachers on their side. Salem sat near Bill's statue with her group while Adam and Raven leaned on the wall with their group.

Bill appeared via hologram and gave an announcement, "Let me say something before I forget. To those who are bored and wants to have some fun fighting, the training / battle room is located in the fourth floor." he said. "Your weapons will appear in your waist automatically as you enter the room. You can all enter at the same time since it takes one of you to a different room. You can choose your opponents that will be appear in solid hologram. That'll be all." the hologram then dispersed.

After the message, Adam and Tyrian rushed to the fourth floor while the others due to the exhaustion. Vernal and Raven were interested but they'll plan to enter the room in the next intermission if there is a second intermission.

In the cafeteria, the group talk about the amazing five trailers and two scenes they've seen with great enjoyment.

"Pyrrha was awesome! I hope we get to see more of her!" Nora said.

Yang nodded, "I agree. I want to see more 'Arkos' in the scene!"

Pyrrha and Jaune blushed from Yang's statement while Ruby ate bunch of cookies to hide her blushing cheeks. Nora noticed it grinned mischievously.

"I like the part where Oscar attempted to flirt with Ruby." Nora said with a smirk causing Ruby to spit out her cookie while Oscar spilled his drink.

"Now, now, don't tease the lovebirds, Nora." Yang said with a grin. Ruby and Oscar blushed even more.

The cast were enjoying themselves. They brought so many memorable moments and made theories on the ending. Meanwhile, Sun was finishing the song he created for Blake. Neptune sneakily walked behind Sun and grabbed the paper. Sun snickered and chase after Neptune around the area. Neptune then gave it to Blake before Sun landed at Neptune's back, which was probably broken. Ouch! Blake read the lyrics and blushed with sadness in her eyes.

"Do... you hate it?" Sun asked nervously and hits Neptune's neck causing the water boy to be unconscious.

"I... I love it." Blake said with a smile.

Sun scratched his head and blushed from embarrassment while Kali held Ghira from interrupting their love moment while Illia looked at them with jealousy as she eats her lunch.

"You know, this showcasing seems not a bad idea." Ozpin said.

"Why? Because of Glynda, P.T. Ozpin?" Qrow said with a smirk causing Glynda to blush.

Ozpin chuckled, "Heavens no, what I mean is that everyone isn't killing each other and are having fun."

"At least we made some progress considering we almost kill each other yesterday." Taiyang said as he eats a chocolate doughnut.

Winter nodded, "I guess the alternate universes is keeping the peace?"

"Yes, it seems it brought us peace temporarily." Qrow stated.

The adults nodded and continued eating their lunch.

"I have a question, Mom." Ruby asked her mother.

"Yes, Ruby?" Summer answered with a smile.

"How are you alive? And you also, Miss Amber." Ruby asked as she pointed at the two of them.

Everyone looked at them, waiting for their answer. They both sighed and told them when they met Bill to become assistants with the other two. They then told that Bill promised to protect them from harm. And then he told them about theater where they'll watch multiple versions of themselves. As they finished, all of them fell into silent.

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